The Book of SAW

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Every day people went missing but one day they found a guy body rip a part from one another and they found a tape.The tape said this " HELLO JACK I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO HER AND THAT YOUR FRIEND SHOULD HAVE MISS TAKEN YOU FOR NOT KILLING SAMANTHA NOW HERE RELIVES THE PAIN SHE GOT ON TAPE and then.......................


Saw was a man who wanted everyone who did something bad died.Ok here how this started all out saw was a little boy name john he got pick on all his life in tell one day after school the jack ass bully came there to take his stuff.The one thing they did not know was that he kill anyone who dare come in to his home even though he alone. The bullies Jerry, sahra ,jack and Sam but not really her she was john best buddy she was the only one who cared about what happen to him so mostly she was with him to kill jerry,jack and even her own sister. On that day they seted the traps and put jerry sarha and jack in them in the traps. john and sam said LET THE GAMES BEGAIN HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHE...................... in all the spots were there were traps there were recording tapes to tell how to do the game in the mader of second .The first games start now


Well hello Jerry,Jack,and Sarah welcome to were hell can have it told. Then they got least jack was the first one to find a door.Sarha was to scared to do anything.Jerry was with jack when he found the door .All jerry and jack seen was a walls and a recording tape.Jerry say while yelling "YOU GO TURN THAT DAMN THING ON I GO FIND A WAY OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE "so jack turn it on and said wait listen to this.The tape started to go it spoke this out.WELL HELLO JERRY AND JACK IT SEEMS YOU FOUND THE FIRST TEST then jack scream WHY THE FIRE TRUCKS ARE WE DOING HERE(jack was a person who hates to curse),the tape went on HERE YOU JOB TO DO,AS YOU CAN SEE THERE MANY CARVES TO THE MAZES IN THE PICTURE ON THE WALL.YOUR JOB IS TO GET THERE WHILE TRYING NOT TO LET EACH OTHER GET KILLED.and then the last part it said was YOU ONLY HAVE 60 SICONDS TO GET ACROSS THIS MAZE AND FIND THE KEY ON THE WAY,the tape then stop..........................................Then jack and Jerry hear lights come on and herd let the games begain.

They both started down going in and out every craves and that got angry for not finding the right path.Well jack found the key to the end of the maze. jack then said to Jerry" i found the key". Jerry got crazy and ran to the key and then jack say no. All jack saw was four cables coming down wrapping around his body and riping him apart limb from limb and then saw come out and say THE GAME IS OVER AND YOU WERE THE SMART ONE NOW GO FIND YOUR FRIEND AND GET READY FOR THE NEXT TEST. jack went out from the door and he saw sarha there on the floor .He wanted to go and say come on but he knew what was coming next ................................the new GAME!

Bloody Mary

Jack went up to sarha and said"Let get the heck out of here" but he startle sarha half to deaf and she said "What the hell is you problem you just scared the fuk out of me"."sorry" said jack."But sorry for saying that back there i was just scared of this place i was afraid i might die on my birthday" said sarha" WHAT today your birthday that sucks since we are in this death place surprise jack.Sarha was sad but the all ready came to a door that said bloody Mary they both stared and wonder what it mean.Sarah walk in the room first(since jack pushed her) jack came in wonder why the heck is there blood,guts,and bodies all over the place.They both saw a tape for jack the tape mean something bad about to happen to one of them,but for sarha it like yeah! it a tape what that surpose to mean. Jack went up to the tape but before he reach it and ax swing down all most chopping off his hand," what the heck jack what the hell sarha they both spoke at the same time being afraid that one jack bout lost his arm and to were the hell did it came from.After all that excitement happen the tape turn on. Well hell-o jack and sarha great job of surveying the first test jack that was one ripping of the body, but for this test only one can survive you have 30 seconds to find the first part of him and her. What hell do you mean.Sarha stop talking the tape not done. the last words they herd from the tape is in order to escape you must make and run from her. Then sarha started to wonder what it meant jack ready started to walk forward,he yelled back "COME ON" I'M COMING sarha started walking to get up to Jack . For sarha this place is a virgin of hell it self or was that jack saw never care for his test rats all he cared for a Samantha and death of the people who ruin his life and there friends to. "hey Sarha have you notice that mirror over there" say confuse jack no I haven't *while walking over to the big mirror*.Sarha stare at the mirror like it was her own mother looking at her with happy ness,but the only thing that jack saw was an dead woman that still have her skin but rotten with her hair hanging over her face, and bloody white gown. The worst of thing was that was the body there suppose to make with the limbs right next to it,SARHA come on we have bones to put together OK I am coming. Jack was afraid this what he wants but all he going to get is rip a part bodies with blood everywhere and he going to go to jail for it.Sarah was about ready to finish the body but before she did this cold bloody hand has went on her shoulder.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA said sarha* while starting to run for a door.Jack on the other hand never notice or herd her because one he was singing demons and two he was trying to picture a perfect place other than here but after he was done singing demons he finally herd sarha scream and come running after her."hey Sarha were are you" over here by the ugly mother fuuuu àaaaaaaaaaaaaa help me and hurry i'm trying just were are you to be continued

*Flashback* Back to School

"After all the mortal terror of science is over well for now intell tomorrow "said jack "yea right jack you wishen yeah I know he is to"said both Jerry and sarha.*Rrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnggggg* coming from the speakers on the wall." hey see you guys later after lunch "yeah if world history or reading don't kill you first "." wow your sweet Sarah hey look over there it your jackass sister Samantha say the ass hole standing right next to me. while as you can see jack went to science sarha went to word history and Jerry suppose to be in math but instead running from the teachers for skipping class intell gym class and lunch and last but not least Samantha the one that jack likes/loves is also in science class.As the hours go by they soon all meet up to the point were they became bullies and started to pick on john well not all of them did just one out four didn't pick on him.Samantha was the only girl who like him and didn't pick on him when the others did plus know one but her sister did not care about what she did or did not do so mostly she the lucky one because when she do bad know one yell at her."hey Sam what the hell are you doing! being with him everyone well think I am a freak for having a sister who hang around him"John not a him,he is a person sarha" what ever" said sarha. " Hey sis just be careful .* rolls eyes* what ever. After the hole school wait a minute a half a school that when john had an idea because of what happen to him the hole half of the school year after all those days john had got his idea to trick the bullies to think there was a party and there how they got trick but in a flashback way think john is all bhind it

*Flash back* over Bloody Marry part two

After all the hellish things that happen all that jack could remember is that of school."What the fuu what going on were am i" "JACK HELP screameing from the top of her lungs was sarha and then it hit jack and all the fuken bad things came back. jack went running and all he saw of sarha is her legs cut off completly. WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPEN TO YOU all that jack could say before it happen the last words he herd of sarha is that you said you first cause word and i am proud reminding him of his parents then a women wearing with cloths with blood all over them come out and take th sole of sarha. All jack thought that the light blue spirt was just water intell it sream JACK and he relized it was sarha and he rran after to her body the women wearing white clothes and blood all over her disapear but with jack thinking it was someone he knows who have done this, all he did was run over to her body and scream WHY THE FUK HAD TO HAPPEN TO HER NOW HER SISTER WELL BEAT THE HELL OUT OF ME WHY. Then all he herd was that voice. WAY TO GO JACK YOU HAVE PAST THE SECOND AND FINAL QUIZ then jack interupted you fuken hore why did you do this to use and all it said was GOODBYE JACK DONT SCREW UP OR YOU WELL BE NEXT FOR THE WORST THING NOW LEAVE WHILE YOU HAVE A CHANCE. Jack left with blood all over him after he left he called the police and they came and saw the crime seen they ask him a few question and then drive him home is parents were crying and all they did that night was a funaral for his friends and get ready for school.

BACK TO SCHOOL :(    Jack pov

The day after tommorow were a scary movie to me even though I watch it a million times and it wernt scary when I watch it before :jack :( :

Hey follow asshole jack here OK fuk it my life sucks cause of the day my two friends died of we of werid shit but never mind that I AM STILL A LIVE I think :( but as u all might think I am going to be dead because I did survive.As i still go to school i get more faces looking at me and it freaks me out

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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