[One Shot] Car Crash

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On one sunny Tuesday Garroth was driving his friends Laurence, Dante, Travis and his Brother Zane to the Mall, Laurence was sitting in the passenger seat, Dante was sitting in the back seat on the right side, Travis was sitting on the middle back seat, and Zane was sitting in the back seat left window.

Zane was gazing out the window up at the beautiful blue sky, there wasn't a cloud to be seen. The sun was still rising into the sky as it was still morning. Zane was not really focusing on the sights outside, He was half consciously listening in on the conversation between the others currently in the car, Garroth, Dante, and Laurence were talking about random things, and Travis would add his comment whenever he had something add on or make a stupid joke. Their conversation didn't really interest Zane all that much though, he was just listening in because he really didn't have much else to do. At one point, while the others were talking Travis nudged Zane lightly on the arm with his shoulder and asked "what do you think Zane?"
"Oh, um what? sorry I wasn't listening" Zane turned around to face the rest of the car mates.
"We were talking about what movie we should go see when we go to the theater later" Laurence answered without turning to look at him.
"But these three keep going at each other about what movie we should watch there" Garroth laughs but doesn't take his eyes off the road ahead of him.
"I think we should go the new Comedy movie 'My life in Vegas'!! I heard that it was movie of the year!" Dante said enthusiastically.
"Dante every movie is the movie of the year in advertising, do you even watch commercials?" Laurence questions him.
"Uh not really, but from what i've heard its really funny !!"
"Thats what every advertisement for movies say Dante."
"But I still wan't to watch it!"
Travis cuts in "No Dante, watch it on your own time, anyways we could watch the horror movie that's playing now!!, if you guys want to of course i'm not forcing you."
"A horror movie sounds good" Garroth comments, still not taking his eye off the road.
"Yeah, I agree with Garroth." Zane says.
"hA Yes! thats a three fifths (3/5) which is over half!!, Were going to see a horror movie! ..I forgot what it was called but I'll know which one i'm talking about when I see the name!"
"Fine, I guess I'm just going to watch My life in Vegas in my own time."
"I might watch it with you Dante." Laurence
"Thanks Laurence." Dante smiles.
"Yay! It will be like a movie night!!"
"Travis you know it will be awhile until it gets out of the theaters though you know?" Larauence turns around to face him.
"I know, But we should set up a date for it! When does it release from the theaters? we need to plan!" Travis says to everyone in the car
"I'm not against a movie night! Laurence, Look up the date when it releses!"
"I'm on it Garroth!" Laurence pulls out his phone and starts typing.
"You guys have fun with your movie night."
"You can watch it with us if you want Zane"
"Alight bu-
And thats when the speeding car took two lives and ruined three others.


Hey guys i'm sorry but I am not motivated enough to finish this oneshot, I really wanted to finished it for you guys but I just don't want to,
No, I do not hate the ship Zanvis. (Its my otp man, I could never hate :c[//said the same thing about skylox once and now I don't like the ship lmao] But I do hate this prompt, this oneshots entire idea is just boring and cliche to me?? Either way I can't find joy in writing this.

But I'll give you guys the prompt so that you guys can at least know what happens in this storyline:

But I'll give you guys the prompt so that you guys can at least know what happens in this storyline:

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baM there you go.

I am incredibly sorry I couldn't finished this, I feel so bad but i just don't want to write this, writing something I don't enjoy writing about is pure torchere to me.

I already have one planned that, you know,
this time I actually want to write.

~Celibe is a horrible person

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