An Owl at an Empty Dinner Table

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before reading i just want you to know that this one?? hb:ps??? its hot garbage. honestly, you can skim it. the writing is WACK expect a leap in quality afterwards


Madeline Mender was exhausted. She had just spent the last several hours moving all if her clothes and eleven years worth of items and monster trophies from the Hermes cabin all the way to the Hades cabin without help. It wasn't like nobody wanted to help she just denied it.

She really should have told everyone that she had been claimed sooner, like right when she had gotten back from that quest in Ontario about a month ago, but instead she waited until she accidentally used one of her new found abilities during Capture the Flag. The particular ability was Cryokinesis. It had accidentally been triggered by her being startled by a particularly large deer and she had ended up freezing everything within five feet of her, which, of course, drew the attention of everyone.

Maddy was sitting against the outside of her new cabin, enjoying the cool breeze that made the extreme summer heat bearable. She was worried about losing her small handful of friends but she had to admit that the Hades cabin was very aesthetically pleasing with its dark walls and green torches and she'd, for the first time in her life, have a room to herself and the decor was very nice as well, in her opinion anyways. Her friend, Maude, however, hated it.

"Hey, Maddy!" Maude exclaimed as she approached, pushing her long, black side bangs out if her eyes.

"Oh, hey," Maddy stood up to face her much taller friend.

"Done moving?"

"Yeah, now I have some time to bask in this excruciating heat before dinner."

"I remember moving into the Hecate cabin." Maude's eyes sort of glazed over as she reminisced in the memory of the excitement of the day she'd been claimed.

"Yeah, I remember that too," Maddy nodded, remembering her friend moving in with her cabin mates at the unusually young age of seven.

"Probably everyone remembers. Anyways wanna watch me die a little inside while I try to control a raft?"

"Oh gods no. I'm never going anywhere near that river ever again."

"That is understandable, see you after dinner," Maude said as she walked away.

"Bye," Maddy weakly waved, it made her sad that they were growing apart, Maude was Maddy's closest friend and they had been friends since she arrived at the camp.

She went back into her cabin and grabbed one of her drawing notebooks, some pencils, some pens and a few boxes of coloured pencils, then she went back outside and began to find something to draw, eventually deciding to draw the camp activities director, Chiron, shooting an arrow from his bow. Afterwards she went to dinner, sitting down at the empty Hades table. She offered up some of her food to the gods, adding in some extra to Hades.

As she was eating a large brown owl swooped down and perched in front of her, catching the attention of the nearby tables. Maddy noticed a yellowing envelope strapped to the owl's leg. Upon looking closer she noticed that her name was written in sparkling, emerald green ink. She slowly pulled the letter of of the nocturnal bird, apprehensive as it might bite her, and it flew away the minute the letter was no longer strapped to it.

Ms. M. Mender 

Half Blood Hill 

Farm Road 3.141 

Long Island 

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