Chapter One: Just Another Guy

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Chapter One: Just Another Guy

"Hello, is this Evelyn Adams?"

I smirk into the receiver and put on a falsetto, eager voice as I flip open my yearbook. "Yes ma'am, that's me! What can I do for you on this lovely day?"

"I saw your website, and I just wanted to speak to you about my son, Jacob Welkson. He's a senior at Polks High School, do you know him?"

"Of course!" I reply, quickly skimming the pages of the yearbook. "Jacob is a big name around campus. He's a football star, right?"

I can hear the woman's smile in her voice. "Why yes, he is! It's good to know you two have met. He's been having a little trouble in school lately, and some of his friends are... well, let's just say they're not exactly ideal. And according to some of your references, you work miracles."

"I do what I can, ma'am."

Mrs. Whelkson giggles. "Yes, well, do you think you can help him?"

I pause for the appropriate amount of time as I check out his yearbook picture. "I can try."

"Oh, good! How long do you think it will take?"

"A few dates, maybe a week or two. But you have to realise I have other clients..."

"Of course. I understand completely."

I roll my eyes and pace around the room. "Great. My rate is one hundred dollars a week, plus an extra twenty for homework help. Also, Jacob has to pay for all of our dates, and we meet at your house, not mine."

"Yes, yes, I read your profile. When can you start?"

I walk up to the calender pinned to my door, color coded for each different date. Scanning my finger along this week's column, my finger stops a few days from now. "How about Friday night? Seven o'clock? A nice dinner date under the stars?"

"Perfect! When do I pay you?"

"Just mail me the money. Or, if you're not comfortable with it, just slip it into my mailbox when you ahve a free moment. My address is on the website. Now, can you tell me what your primary concerns are with Jacob? Are you worried about his academic profile at all?"

"Oh, no, Jacob is an excellent student. He's planning to attend UCLA next year. My real worries are about his after-school activities. He's been disappearing at all hours of the night and reappearing unexpectedly with his new friends trailing after him eagerly. He's much more moody recently. And, well, he used to be such a charming young man!"

I sigh sympathetically. "It sounds like a typical case. How would you describe his dating life?"

"Well, as far as I know, he hasn't had too many girlfriends. His most recent one, Beverly, broke up with him a few weeks ago. That's around the time he started getting into trouble."

"Okay, that makes sense. So you want me to keep him out of trouble and on track for college, is that right?"

"Yes, that's just about it."

"Great! Then I'll see you Friday."

I put my finger on the 'End Call' button before I hear Mrs. Whelkson's voice in my ear again. "Just one question, dear. How exacty do you end these relationships? Surely you don't just... leave, do you?"

"Oh, of course not. I simply make it apparent that we aren't an ideal match, but that if he works at it, he could find someone else. Usually they aren't that bad."


"Well... there have been a few incidents of mild break-up depression, but its normally gone within a few days. It's nothing to worry about, really. I know Jacob farely well, I'm sure he'll be fine."

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