I feel like he's telling the truth but I can't believe anybody that tells me things about him and I.
But I never know and I don't think I will.
I love him. He likes her.... And me.. I don't want to be a second choice but I don't know who he likes more.
I wish I could tell him everything. But if he knew what was wrong all the time, he would think I'm crazy and would never love me again.
I wish I could him I was depressed but then I think he would just feel sorry for me, or he would just run away.
I'm not going to tell him, I don't think I ever will. He could tell someone. I haven't told a lot of people. He would never love me if he knew. He would tell people and what would they think? What would he think? Not that his opinion matters. But in a way it does. This poem thing went a different way then I thought it was supposed to be about a boy. Just a boy, not about being depressed and wondering what he would think. Well, it doesn't matter. I just wrote everything I felt and thought. And this is what came of it.