1D Vampiers?

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My eyes opend wide as my raido went off to my favorite song.  " Baby you lit up my world like nobody else" I  scremed when I relized it was my birthday. I ran downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. I shoved the food in my mouth. Before my mom could say anything I was upstairs getting dress and brushing my hair. I cleaned my teeth and put m hair into a sloppy but cute bun. Then I applyed my make-up. "Calista get down here so you can open your presants." said  mom. 

When i got down stairs there were many wrapped boxes. I started to open the lightest box but before i could tear it fully open my mom yelled "SAVE THAT FOR LAST!" I laughed. I took the biggest and opend it. Inside was a big box containing 1D blankets and  pillows. My mom knew me so well I love 1D! 

Finally I got to the lightest box and finshed what i had started. "OMG OMG!" I yelled. They were 1D tickets!! The consert was on friday which was only two days away. I ran up to my mom and dad and huged them like I was a bear. I got back upstairs and called my bestfriend. I told her she was coming with me she scremed with joy. 

It was friday and I was finshing my make-up. The door bell rung as i headed towards it I saw a limo. I got in the limo with Kelli. We got to the concert and got V.I.P. tickets. I took a seat in the front row so i could see them. The lights went dark and Niall came on stage. 

Niall was the perfect and hottest boy any girl could dream  of. He looked towards me and winked. My heart melted after he winked at me.

Next was Louis. From what i could tell he was the most well kind and sweet hearted person. He turned towards me and blew me a kiss. All the other girls gasped and kept fighting who that was to. I knew it wasnt me because im just a simply artist singing girl. 

Liam was on next and turned towards my area and blew a kiss and winked. Again all the girls were screaming and fighting over who that was to. They were pulling hair.

Harry came on and turned towards the whole crowd and said "Thank you for all coming." Man was his britsh accent hot or what. He blushed a little. What the crap? It was like he was reading my mind.

Last was Zayn. He was hot too. But man could he get any better. He looked at me and blew a kiss. Why were all the guys kissing and winking at me.

They started to sing "Live While Were Young" I scrimed in my set and sang with them. There voices were beautiful. 

Near the end of the concert i had to go pee. I told my friend and them left. As i was walking out the backstage people brung me backstage. They put me in a room with some ice cream and other food. I didnt dare to eat any because if 1D came back here and saw me eat they would leave. The door opend and came in was Niall. Did he look sexy in his outfit.

He took me out of my seat on the couch and shoved me on the wall. He licked his lips as the other members came in. They locked the door behide them. I didnt  know what to think. Then Niall's vangs came out and bit into my neck. Joined in Harry that took my right hand and drinked. I screamed in pain but Louis put his hand over my mouth and lipped sorry. He took a bite into my left hand. Zayn joind in and bit the other side of my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2013 ⏰

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