A life without her

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It is been 2 weeks since we arrest my sister's killer, Luna Hecate. Also, it is been one week since we arrest the leader of the Crimson Order, Milton Grimmes so right now, I am safe from this organization. Since then, everything was back to "normal" for everyone..... except me. Everyone at my school still bully me because they think I could have stopped her... I didn't even know that my sister had those crazy ideas! I want them to stop thinking that... Now, because of all the bullying, I'm not in school anymore. I was tired that everyone insulted my family because of Tess's actions! Even if I'm not at school, they send us (for me precisely) letters with insults like "Go kill yourself", "The Goodwin family is trash" and "I hope you guys burn like Tess did!"... I will never escape them! Even I travel to the other side of the planet; they will find a way to insult me! And all my "so-called" friends are the worse! Instead of helping me fighting the bullies, they betrayed me by helping the bullies! So, I have no friends.... and it is my sister's fault! Why did you do this to me Tess? Why? I have to know why; I HAVE TO! I have an idea; I will check her room and see if she left something there important...

My parents finally left to go to the store. I decided to go in her room when they are not here because I don't want them to know anything. I ran to my sister's room and I open the door. It was so..... empty. Going to her room was so painful because I know she will never come back... Before I start crying, I need to find something or anything that is linked to the reason why she killed Madison and the others girls and why did she risked her life searching about our ancestor, Mary Goodwin. First of all, I'm going to check her closet to see if there's a "special" box and I found nothing. After, I check her bed; under the bed, behind the bed, in the bed... still found nothing. Then I check on her desk... and I found a little note. It says: "I'm sorry, but I had to" and it signed by Tess. Why did she mean by "but I had to"? Did she talk about the murders or the fact she was going to search our ancestor story... or both? So many questions I ask myself right now....

My parents came back from the store. They made dinner and call me. I ignore them and continue to listen to my favourite song "I miss you - Blink182". I love this song so much because I listen to it; I think about my big sister that I miss so much... even if she killed theses girls, she's still my big sister and I still love her! Right now, she left me with so many questions... I think I'll do my own investigation! First, what should I do? I don't even know if Tess had friends... oh wait a minute! Maybe Misha, Penelope or Taylor can help! Maybe they knew Tess before they even got hypnotized! Maybe I can talk to this Luna about Tess too... I will start by the three others girls because Luna scares me! I will ask my parents after dinner I guess... So, I decided to go eat with Mom and Dad. I sat at my chair and started to eat. I watch the empty chair and remember that Tess was sitting here before... I was going to cry but I look away. When we were eating, no one said a thing and it was awkward. So I finish really fast and went to my room. I guess I will go to prison without telling them. Anyway, I bet they wouldn't let me. I will go tomorrow.

Today is the big day; I will go see Misha, Penelope, Taylor and maybe Luna today! I need some answers. I sneak out of my house and went to take the bus. In the bus, I put my earphones and put "Complicated - Avril Lavigne". I wonder what does Luna look likes. I mean, I saw the others girls at school but I never saw her. Does she look like an innocent girl or a punk? I will found out today. I finally arrive to my destination; the prison. I wonder who the new prison warden is since Milton was arrested. The prison was so ... creepy. I mean, they were guards and traps everywhere. How did Tess escape?! I'm impressed. I asked one of the guards if I can enter to visit someone and I'm lucky, he almost said no but since I don't look dangerous, he let me in. While I was looking for the prison warden, they were some creepy prisoners talking; I was really afraid but I didn't give up so I continue walking, ignoring them. I finally found the prison warden... and SHE was really nice to me.

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