Grey Frost Bleak

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Uh, Hi. My name is Grey. Grey Bleak. I know my name is kind of stupid, especially my last name. Its funny. Anyways, I was born into this world about 16 years ago. And you see, Even though our last name is dumb, my family is pretty cool. I'm an only child, And my mom and dad have been together since they were in their early twenties. That was around the time they had me. Grey Frost Bleak. The only child they had, and he turned into a manwhore. Yay for them. 

Anyways, I know i'm like, 16 going into 17, but I've slept with a teacher to get my grades up. I've slept with many girls, and some guys. I am bi. I guess I have a list of people I have to sleep with as a challenge. I'm like halfway finished? Yeah. I got an email from a random person I don't seem to know, and they told me it was a challenge. Since I was pretty okay with it, I decided to go along and do the stupid challenge. 

I know selling my body isn't the best idea ever, but I can be competitive.... The wrong kind of competitive but I don't really care. So, enough of that. I gotta go. Bye. 

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