"Come here little one. Come to me for you are the child of the moon. Here you stand crying out your already broken heart. What did I tell you? The outside world is dangerous and yet you went out, too naive for your own good. And where did that get you? Hurt. It got you hurt. I told you humans are the most dangerous things out there. They're insensitive. They own care for themselves. Yet you put your heart out on a sleeve for them. And they broke it in a matter of seconds. Tell me why did you do that? Do you care so much for them? You're too nice. You're too loving. You are as delicate as a flower on the moon, made to be cherished and loved with care. You are a child of the universe, too humble for any other. How did you think the humans would have cared for you? The same as us? They wouldn't care for you like we do. They're beasts blinded by their own riches and greed. You don't need to be in a place like that. You're too precious for a place like that. Your heart is so much bigger than all of theirs together. That's why you have to be loved with care.

Shh shh child, stop crying, nothing that would hurt you anymore.

Come back to us. Come moonchild, come back to the place that you love. The place that surrounds you with warmth. The place that would care for your heart that's as big as the universe. Don't you feel lonely down there? All by yourself without anyone there and evil at every turn? Were you scared? Scared of the things they do? Know that there's nothing here like that. Just the love that you need.  We missed you so much little one. Always wondering if you were okay and safe. Come moonchild, the one born from both the darkness and light of the moon who's as pure as the color white itself. Come back to us, didn't you miss us too?"

"Pl-please make it stop. The pain, everything. I just want to go back to you. I-it hurts so much and I don't know what to do. I don't want to be there anymore. I just want to go home and forget everything."

"That's right child. Come back to us and we'll heal your broken heart. Poor thing. They didn't care how they treated you huh? Leaving you so cold and broken to the point of no return. It's okay. Take your time. You don't need to rush little one. Time would heal everything and we'll be here for you. But from now on remember never to do that ever again. We don't want to lose you. You are like the stars to our galaxy. We would not know what to do if you were taken away from us.

Enough talking. Enough has been said today and emotions were stirred. Go on and rest child. You have nothing to fear as we will always be here for you and will never let anything hurt you again. Sleep and forget everything. And when you wake, you'll be back to the paradise you call home. Goodnight child, say goodbye to everything in the human place for we will never let anything from that horrid place touch your mind ever again. Goodbye to the people, land, everything. You'll be at peace at last. Now sleep moonchild, and may our love put you at peace. We hope you will stay your loving and humble self forever. Goodnight and sleep tight as you watch for the last time the image of the world you knew. We will be waiting for you when you wake up in paradise."

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