Chapter 1: Bus to Camp Hetalia

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Chapter 1: Bus to Camp Hetalia

Two sisters are currently standing beside a bus stop sign. One of them is eating a bar of chocolate harshly, cursing in a low voice about something; the other one looking at the other with a worried look on her face.

The two sisters are named Portugal and Andorra.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid Spain onii-chan why would he do this?!" Portugal mumbled, she took another bite of her chocolate bar as she puffed up her cheeks; she usually does that when she is angry.

"Y-y-you know why...." Andorra replied hesitantly, sweat started forming on her temples.

Sapphire eyes narrowed at ocean-blue ones, forgetting the bar of chocolate that Portugal dropped. "But I didn't agree to this!" The brunette jumped at her outburst. She knew why Spain, their brother did this....


"Girls..." Their brother Spain started. The fraternal twins looked at him curiously. "I'm sending you two to Camp Hetalia." Spain finally said. The twins' eyes widened.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Portugal yelled at him, preparing to charge at him but Andorra held her tightly as she could. Spain's eyes glared at Portugal's "What's wrong with spending your summer in Camp Hetalia?! Being cooped up in your rooms and eyes only looking at your computers isn't going to keep you two healthy!"

"S-S-Spain onii-chan is right, Portu-san....." Andorra replied, agreeing with Spain as she held Portugal tightly. "I DON'T CARE!!! NO ONE'S GOING TO RUIN MY SUMMER!!!" yelled Portugal, squirming hard as she could. Before Andorra could give up, Spain handled Portugal. Eventually Portugal gave in.


Andorra looked at Portugal worriedly. She then put her hand on Portugal's shoulder. "Spain is just trying to protect us...that's what brothers do right?" she whispered. Portugal nodded. Andorra smiled at that. "And I think it's time to repay Spain all his hard work. Let's make him happy for once okay?"

Portugal nodded again, this time smiling. Andorra smiled too.


The twins turned to the sound of the bus coming. The Japanese character of Hetalia is written on the sides of the bus. The two watched at the door opened to reveal the driver of the bus.

"Portugal and Andorra right?" the driver asked, pointing at them. The two just nodded. The driver then got out of the bus and said to them. "Gimme your stuff, just bring with you inside your valuables."

Portugal gave him her two duffel bags of clothes, other personal stuff and her guitar, leaving her with her small sling bag containing her cell, knife, etc. Andorra did the same, leaving her with her small sling bag, containing her cell, wallet, etc. (who cares what is in their sling bags?!?!)

The driver nodded and left them to get in the bus while he carried their stuff along with the others on the top of the bus.

Meanwhile Andorra and Portugal looked at each other. To Camp Hetalia....

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