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JAMCON is over before you knew it. Just like that everyone is gone. The park where JAMCON was held looked liked it had been abandoned years ago. Only 6 people remain. You, holland, aparri, bepper, momparri, and Holland's mom. Trash littered the park. "Wow you nerds can really make a mess.", Holland's mom says. "My citizens have failed me..." You say sarcastically. "Here would you guys mind staying to help us clean up?" Bepper says. We'll both gift you something on aj!" Bepper says. "That depends, what will the gift be?" Holland says laughing. "I don't know....maybe...A SPIKE!" Aparri says. "The queen will not be bribed" you say. "They're black longs.", Bepper says. I'll make an exception." You say and start picking up trash. (Ha greedy jammer🐢) Everyone splits up to get all the trash that was blowing around. "Hey" a voice says behind you. You turn around and there is aparri. "Hey" you say in return. "How are you" he says. "Wow your awkward" (your a mean jammer too?! Tsk tsk)you say laughing. "Ha yeah Ima pretty akward flamingo..."(yeah I know that's weird🤓"it's fine, I'm a pretty awkward flamingo myself" you say. "Yeah...anyways so do you maybe want text or something, maybe?"he says. What? Did you hear that right? Aparri..the aparri wanted your number!? Wait, does he want Holland's number too? He's her idol! Maybe you can make a deal with him....if he really wants your number."Sure...on one condition. I can give holland your number? She's like your biggest fan!" You say. He hesitated for a second. "Sure...but please don't give it to anyone else."  "You have the queen's word" you say. You both exchanged numbers, and picked up the rest of the trash and it was time to go home.  "See you (name)!" Aparri says. "See you later awkward flamingo" you say laughing. " Your such a mean jammer" he says

Hey guys! Truffle here! So basically I'm going to be on vacation until Saturday! Which is awesome but means that I won't be able to update this story.🤓 sorry I'll update it as soon as I get home! Byes 🌵

Aparri x reader- KAWAII BOIWhere stories live. Discover now