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Chapter One 

It's my second one I hope its good! If you want more vote and comment on it please!!!

I picked myself up off the floor and ran into my room. After I slammed the door I sunk to my knees, bowed my head, and let out all the heart wrenching sobs that I had in me. I know he heard me, but he was probably to drunk to care. Not that he cared much before. I got up and went into the bathroom. I collapsed onto the edge of the tub and slid my handy razor out of my pocket. I was so depressed and angry, that I sliced hard on my healing scars, and my wrist started pouring blood down onto the floor. Good it's about time her perfect bathroom got some color. I was mesmerized as the blood poured and I felt all my troubles pour out with it. I was sitting there when Brat came in. Man, I enjoyed the next thing that came out of her mouth, it's about time she learned a lesson in reality. She let out a blood-curdling scream and Hell's fire came rushing in. 

"Ivy, how could you?!" she tied a washcloth around it and drug my out of the bathroom," We have to go to the hospital!" 

We got into the car and she drove me there. She drug me into the emergency area and told the nurse what happened. The nurse nodded and sat me in a wheelchair. They wheeled me into the operating room and stitched it up. The next thing I knew I was being sent to a mental asylum and was put into horrifying sweats. Yay, me I get to be in an asylum with insane people.

But, it wasn't always like this, I wasn't always like this. I used to live in a quiet, happy town with little cottages and a smiling face on every corner. I lived with nice parents and had everything I could ever want. I was popular at school; I had the best clothes, the best everything. I would cuddle with my Momma and she read me stories. Then, on sunny days I would go up to my Dad's studio and he'd let me use his paints and brushes. Well that was eleven years ago, when I was five. When I was six my Mom's stomach got bigger and I thought it was because she was eating a little more, which she was. But one dad when her stomach was about to bulge they sat me down and said that I would have a little sister. They smiled like I was supposed to be so happy and excited, which I wasn't. A few weeks later, when I was at my friend Katie's house, she was rushed to the hospital and out bulged Brat. That's what I call her, but her real name is Tiffany. She stole all my time with them and they became grumpier and more irate. I eventually through a fit when I found out that Dad was letting her use his paints too. I slung stuff and broke things. They spanked me promptly afterwards and sent me to my room. Things went on, and were normal, until he had his first drink. Then it all tumbled down hill from there.

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