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He ignored, or more like avoided, me for the past five years or so. I often thought it was because he thinks he's "too cool for me" or some shit like that. We glance at each other at times when we're at school. I throw out a little "hey" or "hi" but never earn a reply.

He had grown into a handsome boy over the years. His curly hair changed into messy gelled perfect hair, he had gotten taller and more built. He had also grown to a ladies man over the years. He was known as a major playboy at HammerMill high.

"Abigail, you ready?"

I look up to see my mother at the door, wearing a dress that goes up to her ankles. She looked beautiful but even with makeup, you can still see the nervousness in her eyes.


I'm seventeen now and nothing has changed about me. I still have my face from when I was younger and was not happy about it. I check my reflection one more time and smooth out my dress. "Abigail!"

"Coming ma!"


My stomach had butterflies as I see there house. It was not from seeing him, but the fact of his family judging us. Our families were good friends but my mom always gets intimidated by how classy and "professional" they are.

"You okay?" I look over to Jessica, my sister.

"Yeah, just you know nervous."

"Don't be."

We ring the doorbell and Claudia, Sky's mom, opens the door.

"Come in."

I say a happy birthday and take in my surroundings. This was a black and white themed party, I mean, duh. Everything was black and white.

"You have a lovely home." I say towards Jose, Claudia's husband.

"Thank you sweetie."

He walked toward my dad leaving me here all by myself. Cue the music.

I find a seat all the way in the back, perfect for me. I like being secluded when I'm here. Considering the fact nobody talks to me. I chuckle at my own thought. My stomach began to grumble at the sight of the food being taken out. I wanted to get their first, making me shove people out of the way.

Karma's a bitch, I can tell you that. For shoving people out of the way, I fell on my ass, earning chuckles from the rest of the people getting in line.

"Need help?" A deep husky voice asked.

I see Skylar in a tuxedo looking ravishing as ever.

"Yeah." I mumble.

His rough hand meets mine, sending sparks up my arm. "You look nice." He says.


I brush past him, getting to the end of the line.

"Mind if I get behind you?"


I step forward.

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