Well last time I had y'all hanging so this chapter I give y'all nd answer nd wht Tajah said about De'avion
Courtney POV: bro she scream to drea wtf is takin Ying so damn long to get dress idk bro drea said . I'm going I'm going de'avion said coming down the stairs omfg finally shit bro took u foreva I'm sorry Twinn u said look good so tht wht i was doing . She said hoping nd the car so where y'all taking me she said . Well see, wtf she said nahh bro tell me where we going she screamed to drea. Damn we just can't take u out drea said . Nahh wtf y'all never did tell before wht y'all trya do kill my blacks she said trying to unlock the door. Lmaoooooo hell nahh nigga well not yet a less me nd nd drea looked at each other nd laugh.... man wtf I y'all got me screamed she said lol chill we just ganna take u your birthday coming up anyway nigga nd this the first year u haven't bring it. Oh shit how did I forget about my mf birthday she said look at us crazy. Idk nigga but thts why we takin u out I said laughing. We got lots of shit planned for u ivy Drea said. Nd a special surprised for u I said😉. Omg it's a dog right she said WTF NIGGA NO U GO TO MANY OF THEM NIGGA. Awwe said looking on snapchat.( Oh yea I forgot to tell u its 2 years in the future) don't be sad Mommie got u something thts our first stop. So we went to go see momma dee nd talk nd laugh with her for a lil bit . Nd after that we took her to the cub, strip cub(girls) she loved the y'all she really had a good time so it's almost 12aclock so we have one trip to take her it was the old friend we knew she was a doctor know but had a work at (sing sing for fun) so we went de'avion loves to her ppl sing . It was fun cause the people would be behind the curtain sing so u had to guess who it was. So we had bought her in not telling her wht it was drea she said I'm hungry you always fuckin hungry nigga she said well this time I'm really hungry so we went to the bar to get some chilly fries for fat girl nd it was 5 mins before the performance nd she smile nd cheesing she shit she looking crazy as always so 12 hit nd a bell went off nd all her friends nd family came out nd surprised her she was so happy nd she started thanking us nd stuff. Nahh thts just the beginning Ying I have many more shit up my sleeve I said she smile with them damn braces in her mouth and said omfg fr. So the performance had started nd de'avion got up nd said who is back there ik tht voice Courtney she said looking confused I said idk who is it vion umm omfg it can't be she started crying really hard what's wrong I said I hate y'all I thought she hated me why is she here . I smiled who are u talk I'm confused stop fuckin with me it her she said lol who vion Tajahhhhh she cried out loud. Everyone was smiling nd said drop it so she curtain dropped nd there she was the love of her life My sissy I said hay sis smiling she said hey ugly back everyone clapping yell. Where is she Tajah said she right here de'avion end up in my arms cause I don't it when cry so I hold her why she did. Tajah jump down from the stage me looked at me can I take over she said I said sure. So de'avion looked at Tajah nd Tajah said I love u to nd kissed her right there she was so shocked but happy at the same time it was crazy to see hee smile like tht again. The broke the kiss nd she sa... Thank you😘 guts for read I live u guys stay classy😍
AcakTogether is about My Twinn. nd Sisster relationships problems . for Me im tell u nd how im confused about the one i love. I hope u enjoy