Welcome to Freedom

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LPS= Lawful Purification Squad aka the police

(Ryan's POV)

After years of strict rules and oppression I had finally escaped. It was a particularly terrible day at my job I was forced into and I was done. I went home, packed a bag, and along with my best friend Matt, ran away in the dead of night. We narrowly avoided the LPS on our way out of town. We walked for two days before somebody found us. We set up a camp in the cover of trees. I kept hearing noises but I thought they were animals. Suddenly we were surrounded by people in black clothes and purple bandanas over their faces pointing guns at us and shouting. I was scared shitless curled on the ground with my arms over my head. A tall man walked through the people and lowered his bandana.

"Who are you?" he asked in a deep voice.

"I'm Ryan and this is Matt." I replied with a shaky voice.

"What is your business here?"

"We ran away from home."

"Scan them." The man ordered. A smaller man stepped forwards and held a small device shaped like a TV remote in front of my face then turned to Matt's.

"They're clean." The smaller man announced.

"Lay any weapons you have on the ground and back away with your arms up." The tall man ordered. I took the knife from my boot and laid it on the ground. Matt removed his Taser and pocket knife and laid next to mine. We lifted our arms and backed away.

The tall man nodded once and bags were put over our heads and our hands tied behind our backs. I was pushed forward and walked for a while until I was ushered into a vehicle. The vehicle started and we drove for several minutes.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked.

Nobody answered. I focused on breathing normally and trying not to freak out. Finally we stopped and I was pulled from the vehicle. We walked a few feet before entering some kind of building. There was a buzz of conversation and activity but it sounded far away. I could also hear the gently hum of fluorescent lights and boots squeaking on tiles. We stopped, there was a beep and a door unlocking. I was led through the door and pushed into a chair. My hands were untied and the bag removed from my head. I blinked a couple times adjusting to the lights.

"Hello Ryan." The tall man sat in front of me with his hat removed. I got a good look at him now. He was Asian, mid twenties, and had blue and black hair. His arms were crossed on the table and he was leaning forward scrutinizing me.

"Um, hello. Who are you? Where am I? Where's Matt?"

"My name is Mark. You are in my interrogation room, and you're friend is in the next room with my colleague."

"Are you LPS?"

Mark laughed, "No, we're not LPS. We are considered "rebels" and "terrorists" by the LPS."

"Um, okay. The. What do you want with me?"

"I want to know why you were so close to our base and sleeping in the woods."

"How did you even find us?"

Mark smiled, "we have our ways. Now, what was your job before coming here?"

"Printing license plates and making badges."

"Sounds boring. What is your actual trade?"

"I was the Editor of a weekly newspaper."

Mark laughed, "Yeah, I can see why they made you leave."

"Yeah, they aren't too kind to people like me."

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