Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Harry's P.O.V

"Bye honey, have a lovely day at your new school" my mum said mumbling into my hair as she kissed the top of my head. I was starting at Webster Grove High School today. I recently moved into the Doncaster area when my dad got a job there and we couldn't afford to live without him taking it so I was forced to transfer schools. I didn't particularly want to as all my old friends are all back in Cheshire but I'm gonna have to make new ones aren't I? The thing is, making friends is hard for me, that is because I'm gay..I've always gotten bullied for being gay, had "faggot" and "queer" shouted at me down the hallways, been beaten up multiple times for it, but my mum thinks this could be a new start and the end to my bullying and abuse. I got out the car and walked cautiously towards the doors of the school, taking awareness of my surroundings. This schools was different to my old school, it was bigger and had a lot more kids here. As I turned the corner in the hallway, I saw where I was told to be heading, the principals office. Lifting my hand up to the door and knocking carefully.

"Come in" I hear a strict mans voice from behind the door in the room and I push open the door and walk towards the grey haired, old man. He reminded me a lot of my dad, old, grey hair, a stern face yet still a glimpse of welcoming in his eyes.

"Uh, hello Sir, my names Harry, I transferred here from Cheshire School of Arts, my mother had a phone call telling me to come here on my first day." i told him.

"Ah yes, Mr Styles, take a seat" I obeyed the mans command in manners and he began talking about how I would be assigned a 'buddy' to help me find my way around the school for a week. He lifted the telephone on his desk and dialled a number and pressed the phone to his ear.

"yes Maurine? Could you send Josh to my office please, there's a new student and I would like to assign him to be his buddy, thank you" he put down the phone and asked me a few questions to do with my old school and why I transferred to keep a healthy conversation before I heard another knock arrive at the door. He gestured for the young boy to come inside and take a seat beside me.

"Harry this is Josh, Josh this is Harry" I turned to my side to see a rather cute boy sitting at my side his hand out ready to shake it, I took ahold of his hand and shook it firmly.

"Hi Josh" I smiled tentatively.

"What's up Harry" he smiled back, flashing his teeth. He was pretty confident and maybe he could be my first friend, I mean, I don't have to tell him I'm gay but maybe he's an accepting chap. He's very friendly so I doubt he will judge me. Before I could get lost in my thoughts, the older mans voice spoke up.

"Oh yes, Sorry Mr Hadden, I'll show Harry around" he said flashing a slight smile towards the principle.

"Sorry Harry, you told me your name but I never told you mine, I'm Mr Hadden" he held out his hand and I took a firm grasp and shook heavily trying to make a good impression, he smirked at my weakness and gestured for me and josh to walk out.

I stood up and muttered a thank you to the old man and walked out, trailing behind Josh. He sighed a long sigh before turning to me and stopping me in my tracks, he suddenly spoke up spilling words out in a rush in what seemed like a nervous way.

"Harry, before we get to know each other, there's something you should know, uh, Harry I'm gay and I hope you understand and don't judge me for it, I get bullied a lot for it and you seem like a nice guy that won't abando-" I cut him off a smile playing on my lips, there were two things running through my mind right now, one is that he was gay which was great, meaning I practically already have a friend, the other thing is that he said he got bullied, I guess my mum was wrong about this being a way to get away from my bullying as it's just gonna get worse..I decided to tell Josh I am also gay to put him at ease for the rest of the week and hopefully the rest of year as this could be the start of a friendship.

"Don't worry Josh, I know exactly how you feel, I'm gay as well, I was too bullied in my old school and I'm sure this could be the start of a great friendship" I muttered as there were a couple people around.

"Wow really?! I feel so much more relaxed, that's always the first thing on my mind when I get a buddy, wow that's a lot of stress of my shoulders" I laughed and we walked down the hallway waiting for the bell to ring, suddenly a clang of ringing bells went off and teenagers piled into the hallways, I heard the odd "faggot" aimed at Josh and "queer friend" aimed at me, but it's nothing I'm not used to. As soon as the main hallway had mostly cleared josh and I started to make our way to the lunch hall. We were stopped in our tracks by what seemed like members of the football team, there was a quite a few and they looked pretty tough and I thought they were about to beat me up as I was with Josh the "queer" when I heard someone telling them to leave us alone. I spun my head to see a tanned boy with beautiful, honey coloured hair and dark pink and red highlights. He stood in a varsity jacket leaned against a locker and his arm round, what looked like, his girlfriend, she had brown wavy hair and wore a cheerleader outifit. He had his sleeves rolled up showing off an arm full of tattoos which I found incredibly hot and from the distance I was standing at, I couldn't quite make it out, but I think he had a lip piercing, man he's really turning me on, I don't really like the punk guys, but this boy is so damn attractive I can't help it, his pale blue eyes are lined with dark eyeliner and he has an earring on his right ear. They really were quite the couple..

"Leave them alone you guys, they did nothing to you, we've clearly never seen this dude around before so back off." They immediately backed away from us and turned to face the gorgeous boy. He truly was beautiful. Josh told me to follow him away from the group of cheerleaders and football players and he muttered a "thank you Louis". Wow, Louis, that's such a beautiful name, I guess everything about him is beautiful.

"That's Louis, he's the football teams captain but he's not the usual stuck up, snobby, popular captain, I mean, he is very popular, probably the most popular boy in the school, but me and Louis have been friends since we were young children and he's always looked out for me being 3 years older than me, he knows I'm gay but that doesn't stop him liking me, he's nothing like his mates, oh yeah, and that's his girlfriend Eleanor Calder, the head cheerleader and most popular girl in school, she got a lot more popular through Louis and I think she just enjoys the attention really" he said slowly.

"why don't you hang out with him then? Surely no one would wanna mess with you if your best mates with the captain of the football team?" I asked, confused. I turned to look back at Louis to catch a last glimpse of him and to my surprise, he was staring straight at me, my eyes met his and they locked immediately, I didn't look away for at least 15 seconds, it wasn't an awkward stare though.. he let a smirk slip onto his lips and looked down onto the floor, with a smile plastered onto his face, he looked up quickly and I thought I saw him blush, but then I thought, wait, his girlfriend is standing next to him, why would I have that effect on him? I'm sure I was imagining that..Josh's voice brought me back to the real world, away from my thoughts about Louis...

"Because hanging out with him means hanging out with his friends who are homophobic twats.." Now I knew why him and Louis weren't so close..but I had a feeling I wanted to get to know Louis more, in fact, I will..


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