Pranks war

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disclaimer: jk Rowling owns harry potter even though I wish I did.

Authors note: this is just a fun chapter to see what goes on with there prank wars getting to now lily a little more lots of fun enjoy :)

I woke up I was in ginny's room Ginny was still asleep so I got changed quickly and headed down stairs. I headed into the living room the only person in there was well I think it was George but I couldn't tell he had long hair I guess he had to much of the potion I break out into laughter.

"laugh all you want mum is going to cut it in a minute" I saw that it was George

"I found the scissors" mrs. Weasley called

"you sure you look so pretty" he stuck his tongue out at me.

"come on so what's your name" I ask him. while playing with his long locks

"you know it's George" he said

"no I mean your girl name you got to have one with those locks" I said he rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen

"I'm going to call you Georgia" I yell

"no your not"

"yep your new name is georgia" I proclaim

"what are you 2 arguing about" mrs. Weasley asked

"Georgia is just mad that I change her name" I said mrs. Weasley hid my laughter. im still surprised i havent gotten in trouble for last night. so making her laugh is good.

 "shut up lily" he said

"trying to start a cat fight" I ask I was going to crack jokes about this for a while

"ok so how short should I cut your hair" mrs Weasley asks George

"just make it the normal length." George says annoyed

"come on Georgia you should keep it long" I pouted.

"no" george exclaims looking really mad

"so georgia does Fred have long hair too" I ask

"first stop calling me that second I couldn't tell he was still asleep" he explained

"I never called you that I called you georgia" I said

"your really annoying" he said

"no if you discovered what i am then I will have to kill you" I said sarcastically we laughed mrs. Weasley finished cutting his hair and we headed into the living room.

"I'm sorry I had to joke about that" I said.

"ok but please stop"

"ok" I said then I see ether Ginny or Ron with a lot of extra hair walk down the stairs.

"look what mums potion did to me" it was Ron me and George bursted into laughter

"for a second I thought you where Ginny" I said he scowled

"what's the matter is little Ronda mad" George says pinching his cheak

 "nice girl name" I say and high five him.

"it isn't funny" Ron said

"not at all Ronda" I say coping his pouty face

 "stop it" he says

"are we hurting the little girls feelings" George comments.

"just stop it"

"no I find it funny how about you georgia" I say using his girl name. opps i said i would stop calling him that to late now. "I thought you would stop calling me that how would you like it if I called you ... Leo" George said

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