30 1 3

All I remember is running, running as fast as I can.

From them

By them, I mean the bullies

Alfred and Clarence.

I ducked my head as they hurled insults at me, "Bitch! Slut! Emo!"

I didn't really care what the heck they called me, I just wanted the flip out of dodge.

I looked around for a crowd to hide in.



What a nice day.

Look at the pretty clouds.

I felt something, someone picking me up by my hoodie and holding me in the air. I growled and thrashed around.

"Oh just you wait, Cathrine!" I heard Alfred's hot and nasty voice snarl in my face.


Someone yelling made Alfred and Clarence look around.

"Yeah you!"

I happened to look over to see a boy with chocolate Brown hair and emerald green eyes.

"Why don't you go pummel someone your own size! Maybe an elephant or a hippo! Attacking a girl is probably the weakest someone could do!" he pointed a finger at them.

That did it.

Alfred dropped me and turned on the boy.

"Oh.. Uh.. Umm.. H-hey!" he said nervously.

My eyes widened as Alfred raised his fist to punch the boy, but I quickly ran forward and grabbed the boys arm and ran as fast as I could away, just in time to help him dodge the punch.

I felt his green eyes on me. "Woah! That was fast! Thanks!" he thanked me.

"Uh-huh. No problem," I said, "Just Be careful with whoever you try and tango with, eh?" I grinned at him as we slowed down.

"Ok.. I think we're safe" I said after a brief moment.

"Good..," the boy said, "I'm Ryan" he held his hand out

I looked down at his hand and took he and we shook hands. "Cathrine" I smiled.

"Cathrine Willmind"

Hey, ponies. Sorry this is so short! I'll make better chapters soon, its based off of a roleplay, so depending on how much I roleplay depends on how much I update. Lol. So, thanks for reading! Bye!

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