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Disclaimer: not Rick never Rick


Percy and Annabeth had what you would call a lasting friendship. They had known each other all their lives. They had played together, bathed together, learned together, and grew together. They knew each other inside and out and could anticipate each other's thoughts and feelings, needs and desires, jokes and expressions. Yet they were total opposites. The Yin and the Yang. Percy was a typical guy, he loved video games and sports (especially swimming), and loud punk rock music blasting out for all to hear. Annabeth was a quiet girl who enjoyed reading, studying architecture, and spending time with her friends. Together they were YinYang and completed each other. They had inside jokes and special memories and traditions. They trusted each other with their lives. But they did have one secret they each kept from the other and keeping it may be more complicated than they thought.

"The temperature this month has risen an average of 2% compared to the past three years, clearly we are seeing the effects of global warming firsthand. In order to prevent the melting of the ice caps and the potential deaths of hundreds of cute penguins, you can-" the tv made an audible clicking noise as it was turned off.

"Percy! I was watching that! I wanted to know how the pollution is affecting the temperature!" Annabeth whined glaring at Percy.

"Ughhh, Annabeth! Does it matter?" Percy said flopping onto the couch beside her and resting his head on her shoulder. Annabeth pushed him off outraged.

"Of course it matters! Do you want to never see a polar bear again! This could affect our kids in the future Percy!" Annabeth lectured.

"Our kids..?" asked an arrogant Percy, smirking to hide the hopefulness behind his gaze.

"Wha-What!? No of course not! You know what I meant!" said a blushing Annabeth who promptly smacked Percy on the back of the head. Laughing Percy pushed Annabeth down onto the couch so he was over her and started tickling her like crazy.

"Retaliation!" Percy cried as Annabeth shook with fits of laughter.

"N-No! Per-Percy!" Annabeth gasped out, her face red. This only made him tickle her harder and the screams, laughs, and giggles continued on until Sally Jackson came in to check on her son. With one swift look the laughter stopped abruptly and the sound of Annabeth's relieved gasps commenced. Only two minutes after the departure of Percy's mother could more screams be heard as Annabeth launched herself at her offender beating him on the head with her hardest pillow.

"Ow! Ow! Okay! You have my unconditional surrender!" Percy yelled.

"Perfect. Just what I've always wanted, free labor. Cmon dork let's go upstairs." She said.

_line break uno_and the next day_

"Percy!? Percy!" Annabeth cried frantically flipping through her binder.

"What's up?" Percy said coming into the room arms loaded with candy and chips from the kitchen.

"Percy I can't find my notebook!" Annabeth gasped out as she clung to the front of her backpack with an iron grip and stared at her binder with a murderous glint to her eyes.

"Ughhh, Annabeth! Does it matter?" Just get a new one, I must've lost mine at least three times over this year so far." Percy said nonchalantly.

"But I had yesterday's notes in there! What am I supposed to do now?!" She yelled out exasperated.

Percy shrugged. "I dunno." He said shoving Doritos in his mouth.

"Hey! Ca-" Annabeth broke off as she momentarily found her concentration broken by Percy's tongue flicking out to the corner of his mouth to lick off some cheese dust. Her attention was focused solely on Percy's lips until he decided to shove his fingers in his mouth and lick them off.

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