"The Darkness Of You" {Part 2}

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"The Darkness Of You" {Part 2}

I know I am trying to ultimately let you go,
Yet your strong long hard kisses make me cum back for more.
The darkness of you keeps me all wrapped up in your cocoon of dreams taking my body over and over when I am no longer conscious of the paralell between asleep or awake,
I am helpless as you continue taking my breath away.
The darkness of you pulls me deeper and deeper into your spell,
{Sighs Deeply} I am tongue tied by your lips entwined with mine,
Your soul feels hotter than Hell. Why do you come after me????
When I already know you will not stay,
You enjoy torturing me then pulling yourself away again.
Damn this hurts I can not take the pain, My soul is bleeding as it combines with acid rain falling upon the Earth.
My contractions are so close together I am so ready to give birth.
As our child comes and my last breathe escapes, My eyes are open and clouds over turning ashen grey!!!!!!!©Lady New York 12/13/15

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