The Book of Life

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(Jack lives in LA, near Mark. He's currently walking down the streets towards Mark's house.)

The cold night's air reaches my skin where my jacket can't hide my neck. I shiver a bit, luckily Mark's house is near. He invited me over to watch a movie, which he thought I would like. He said the movie's name is The Book of Life. I've heard of it, but it didn't really caught my attention.

I reach Mark's porch step and knock on the door. He opens the door up and greets me with a warm smile and a hug. I hug him back and put my head in the crook of his neck, I hope he doesn't notice it.

"Sooo... what type of film is this?" I ask him as I make my way into the living room. He already set up the movie, blankets and popcorn. "Ummm... it's an animated movie... and romantic... You don't mind it, do you?" I shake my head with a slight grin. Secretly, I like romantic films... Especially with Mark? My dream comes true. Watching a romantic movie with your crush? Of course it's a dream coming true.

I wrap myself into the blankets and let Mark put the popcorn between us. He chuckles a bit, then starts the movie.

It starts with a bunch of kids visiting a museum and their tour guide showing them a secret exhibition of Mexican culture. Then, she shows them the Book of Life and starts her story about Jacquie, Manolo and Maria.

(Sorry if I didn't caught the names right ;-;)

There were beautiful songs in it, Mark hummed a few of them, like the part where Manolo sings under Maria's balcony and when Manolo apologizes to the giant bull. I enjoyed listening to Mark's voice.

Around the end of the movie I wanted to try something out. I put my head on Mark's shoulder and softly closed my eyes. I pretended that I fell asleep. I decided not to 'wake up' to anything Mark says or does, such as shaking, tickling me.

I hear the television shutting off and Mark quietly grunting then chuckling. Then, I felt him dig his hand trough my green hair. "He's so cute" I hear him whisper. I feel his hair brushing my forehead and then our noses bumping. He pulls back a bit and kisses my forehead, then puts my head carefully onto a pillow.

"Sweet dreams, Jackaboy." He heads up the stairs. I turn to my other side and open up my eyes. I try to glance at his ass, but he's already upstairs. I roll back and sigh happily.

Wait... does this mean... he likes me? I don't know... But I have to find it out somehow...

~Time skip 'till mornin'~

I groggily open my eyes up. The morning sun is blinding me. I look over to the clock on the wall. 7:53 AM. I usually get up around this time. I stretch out and pull the blankets off me. I make my way into the kitchen and make two cups of coffee.

As I walk upstairs into Mark's room I pass his recording room. I take a glance inside it. Nothing's different, except, he bought a guitar and held it in there. I chuckle as I think about the picture he uploaded to twitter with his guitar in the bathroom. I finally reach my destination, Mark's room. I walk next to his bed and set the coffees down onto his nightstand. I looked at him. He slept peacefully, his lips slightly parted. I brushed a bit of his hanging red hair out of the way to see his handsome face. I lean in and lightly give a kiss to his forehead.

I look at my watch. 8:04. Shit, I have to go home and record something for tomorrow. I have to wake him up. Maybeee... by shaking him? Nope... I tried... doesn't work... Hmmm...

Yesss! SCREAM IN HIS EAR! But... of course, don't make him deaf. I lean closer and closer to his ear and inhale a big breath. Before I could greet him with a loud 'TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA!' I lover my voice and just whisper.

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