Your nickle ain't worth my dime

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Lindzey's POV

*Ring* *ring* *ring*

"What the actual fuck?!"

These are the only words that came out of me as the annoying sound of my phone wakes me. Who the hell would call me while I'm sleeping?

I faced right where I can see my round side table. Everything on top of it is perfectly arranged, a lamp shade, a picture frame and a digital clock that says 4:03 am.

Who would even dare to call me at this time of the night? Don't they understand that everyone is asleep at this time?! Well I guess this person doesn't.

I checked my phone and it indicates that I have missed 20 calls from Kellin. Kellin Quinn, the frontman of the band Sleeping With Sirens.

He ringed me again and I obviously picked it up

Phone Call Conversation

Me: Hey Kel-

Kellin: It's about time you answered my call?!

Me: Now Mr. Quinn, just for your information it's four-fucking-a-m, and everyone is supposed to be or should I say everyone is sleeping!!

Kellin: Well you're not one of them now, are you?

Me: Whatever!! What do you want?

Kellin: I don't want anything, I need something...

Me: Then what is it?!

Kellin: I need you! I'm sending you ny location.

Me: Kayy, five minutes!

Kellin: Lindzey Brooks, no more five minutes!! I've been waiting for two hours

Me: Whatever!

Kellin: Lindz-

I cut the line before he could say another word. He's annoying! Well, very annoying! I don't care if he's waiting for two hours.

I received his message. He sent me his exact location.

I took my time to prepare, so I stood up and went downstairs to get my self a glass of distilled water to drink and went up again to take a quick shower. After doing all these stuff, I grabbed my phone and my keys and drove to the address.

Maybe you are all wondering why I'm doing this. Just for all of you to know, I've been doing this for two years. Why? I'm bound to him. He's the only guy I've done the deed with all my life.

*Flashback 2 years ago*

Everything is spinning, my stomach's turning upside down. Yes, I am drunk.

"Lindzey! You li-" A blonde greeted me, but before she could finish, she was cut off by some guy who grabbed her waist.

Youzhny Casey and Andy Biersack. Youzhny is my friend since highschool, she's a good one and always there for me. Andy, Youzhny's boyfriend. Andy is the lead singer of the and black veil brides. They've been a couple for two years? I guess, I don't know, they look cute together.

"Hey" I replied and and took another sip from my cup.

"How're you Lindz???!" Youzhny asked me, holding my cup, preventing me from drinking again.

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