Chapter One

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       The wind whipped her face, smothering her, she ripped at the hair, tearing it away from her face. A strand slapped her in the eye, preventing her from seeing the figure. Suddenly her vision cleared, she was on a cliff overlooking a choppy and stormy sea, in the distance a huge wave crashed over a tiny fisherman's boat. She squinted into the mist, she could only just make out four figures, tied to rotting wooden poles. Her heart raced as a man stepped out of the mist. His hooded cloak hiding his features, she saw the hilt of his gun peeking out from under his belt.
"Choose." He said, his voice echoing into the storm. "Choose now." He growled,
"No!" She screamed, as he held his gun to the smallest figure's head
"Mollie!" She cried as he cackled, this amused him.
"I said CHOOSE!" His voice rang out again, "Your family or your power?" He shouted, spit from the sea hitting her face "Face your fear in order to save your beloved. Or do you choose to trash your family for your extraordinary power?" He hissed
"5." He called holding his gun to Mollie's head, "4"
"I-I" she stuttered, her eyes pleading with him,
"3" She could hear him smile as he yelled to her, she could picture her families expressions, her dad would be looking tough but inside weeping, Andy crying still unsure of what was happening, his life had been so short and so sad. Mollie blinking her tears back parenting to be strong in her final moments. And finally three month old Eloise tied up alone.
"...1" He said and loaded the revolver.
"My fear!" She screamed, "I fear..." She gasped as a crack of lightning revealed one feature of his face as Lia tumbled down the cliff to her death, the wind pushing her down as she neared the rocks.

       Lia snapped awake, her hair covered her face, she was soaked in her own sweat. Tearing her hair from her drenched face, she gasped for breath, Lia feared sleeping for she knew she would only see her death again and again each night, each time she woke it replayed again. But Lia never hit the rocks in that dream. She always woke just before her watery fate hit her. She rolled over and blinked at her clock it read 4:36 she sighed and flopped down,wiping her sweaty forehead with her covers.
"Ugh," she groaned as she rolled over and grasped her favourite novel, it was always there when she woke up. She could disappear from the city of (Insert American City Name) and into the magical school of Hogwarts, she pored over the words and adored the characters like a mother loves her newborn. Much like her mom had loved Eloise for her nine and a half minutes before their fates ripped them apart.
       She scolded herself for thinking of such a moment as she traipsed to her tiny bathroom. Splashing water onto her face she groaned at her reflection. She looked terrible. Her hair was matted due to all the twisting in her sleep and she had dark circles around her eyes, Lia shook her head as she pondered over her dream, she never had understood what he meant by power. Lia was ordinary, as ordinary as you got. If you stuck her in a line with nine others and were told to choose one person, your eyes would skip over Lia like they skip over the things you don't want to notice. Like the homeless man begging for his life, or the sad story on the news. She didn't stick out, but sticking out had never appealed to Lia. Being Plain Jane was enough for her, which meant someday she hoped it was good enough for someone else.

       Seven o'clock took forever to arrive, each minute felt like an hour. Lia felt relieved as her alarm rang out across the silent apartment,
"Back to normality." She shrugged and pulled herself out of her rather uncomfortable bed. Lia wasn't rich but she wasn't exactly poor, she had a few spare dollars here and there but she saved every last penny. She almost wanted to hug her customers at the diner when they gave her a large tip. Pulling on her jeans and sweater she searched the fridge for a bite to eat.
"Time I went to the shops again," she sighed choosing an apple. She bit into it then glanced at her phone she had three messages. One from the company who supplied her data, another from Cam the lady who helped at the diner, and the final from Jess, Jess was Lia's best friend. They had known each other since Lia had moved here two years ago. Jess was always in and out of the city as much as she moved around with boys. Rolling her eyes Lia read the text,

Omg! Lia, I think I found him! The one, I spent the night with him, hope ya don't mind. Super hot! Catch you later at the diner? Need to ask ya somethin'

        Lia loved her best friend but every month she met a new guy who was supposedly, the one. Sometimes she hoped her best friend would see how dangerous it was to just follow guys home after a night out. Every night Lia wished her best friend arrived home safely. Tugging her tartan converse on Lia dragged herself out of her apartment. She had always wished her shift started later in the day rather than at half seven.

       The bus was late, as usual. Mike who drove the bus was always off timetable he had ended up in New York rather than the north side of the city, he ended up suspended from driving the bus for a whole three months. Searching the bus for a a spare seat she found one as she handed her pass over to Mike,he grinned his toothless smile and gestured for her to grab a seat,
"Get a seat Mia. Your last stop today hun," she smiled and stabbed over the mass of legs tangled together at the front of the bus. All the kids from the school chose to sit at the front and attempt to trip every person over who tried to find a seat further down, wincing as the doc martened feet kicked her she jumped over the mass of legs. Her seat was halfway down, she sat on the edge of the seat as she looked at her bench buddy. He had short platinum blonde hair that had been combed into a quiff, his beats covered his pale ears, Lia could hear Twenty One Pilots, the bus was buzzing with sound but Twenty One Pilots over there was completely oblivious to the rest of the world around him.

"You new round here?" Twenty One Pilots said looking up at Lia,
"Uh, no actually. I go to work by bus every day. Except Saturday, the fee is higher then." She smiled, he returned it now listening to Ride.
"I've gotta run an errand then I have a new job in the centre somewhere," He said staring into space.
"Good luck with your job," Lia said with an encouraging smile as he stood up and exited the bus, he returned a grin then jumped off, the rest of the journey was silent for Lia, she sat in her own world. Miles away from the city of (American city name, see above)


Hi, and thanks for reading! If I have interested you in slightest Chapter Two is up now. The story may be a little slow to start off with but it gets going.
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See you in the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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