My breath was heavy and ragged. Sweat snaked it's way from my forehead, around my eye, and down my cheek, plumeting towards the floor. My stunning blue eyes were wide, my pupils; dialated.
The room was pitch black, the floor feeling rough and uneven... like stone. This room resembled that of a cave, almost.
I swallowed in a mouthful of air, then let out a shrill scream. I continued to scream for help although I knew it was a useless cause.
As I completed another scream, my voice now hoarse, my throat throbbing, a door creaked open, light begining to filter into the dark room. I squinted at the unwelcome light, flinching back.
A shadow stood at the doorway. My eyes strained to make out a face. He was tall.. maybe 6'2. His face was rough, auburnish brown hair covered his head, and an unshaved jaw. He was muscular and his shirt hugged his shoulders and torso. He looked to be around 34.
He gripped the door handle and closed the door, locking it behind him. He made his way down old, worn steps, I shrunk back, scarred. A deep husky voice cooed," Oh, dear... there is no need to be scared." he said it in such a menacing, calm way. My dark brown, waist length hair formed a thick curtain around my face, terror forming an iron fist around my heart.
As he reached the bottom off the stairs, my heart began to pound. Dark brown leather boots came towards me and I released another highpitched scream.
"Now, now... Don't scream or else I'll have to hurt you.." he snickered. I swallowed hard, a tear slipping from my eye. Getting down on his knees, he thrusted his face to mine, causing me to flinch.
His deep brown eyes seemed calm, my striking blue ones were quite opposite... filled with fear.