NaLu vs. GrayLu Fanfiction-Part 1

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By the way, this is my first fanfiction and my first story so tell me what you think! :D

Hope you enjoy! Peace! °=°


Lucy P.O.V

Lately Natsu and Gray have been acting weird. I don't know why but they're fighting a lot more and  they both seem to worry about me. They kinda concern me acting like this. I talked to Erza about it and she said not to worry much. But how could i not? I feel like its partly my fault...don't know why though.

"Hey Natsu!" I said running up to him. He was standing right in front of the guild. "Oh, hey Lucy." He mumbled. He looked deep in thought which wasn't normal. "You ok?" I asked. "Hm? Oh yeah. Just thinking..." He said, slightly looking at me. "Aye! Just thinking!" Exclaimed Happy. "Hey Lushee? You have your keys?" Happy asked. I glanced at him. He was sitting on a log right next to the guild. "Yeah" I answered. "Good!  Natsu wanted to go on a job!" Happy said suddenly flying off the log and landing on Natsu's head. "What kind of job? And just us? Did you ask  Erza and Gray if they wanted to come?" I asked. Natsu faltered a bit when i mentioned Gray. Really? I knew he didn't like Gray but he didn't need to have that reaction.

"Say something 'bout a job?" Gray said. I swung around. "Oh, hi, Gray" I welcomed. "Hi Lucy!" He smiled. I turned back to see Natsu glaring at Gray. Whats up with him? I wondered. I looked at Gray. He was glaring at  Natsu, too. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, I inched out from between them. "So, Natsu, what job" I asked trying to change the subject. He gave the sheet of paper to me, turning away from Gray. The paper read:

Please Help!                                                                                                                                                              We need strong wizards to get rid of monsters who have been attacking our village!                              Reward: 300,000 jewels

"Eh? 300,000 jewels?! How strong are these monsters?!" I asked staring at the paper and rereading it. "Don't know but its enough to pay your rent!" Natsu exclaimed. He sounded excited and i couldn't help but smile. He was pretty cute when he was excited. I thought I heard a tsk from beside me but i wasn't sure. "But am I really the wizard to go on this job?" I asked. Natsu just looked at me. "What do you mean, Lucy?" said Gray, trying to make himself noticable again. "It says strong wizards...I'm just another Celestial Wizard." I explained. "Your not just ANY Celestial Wizard, Lushee, your our friend," Happy reassured me, " and a very heavy one I should add!" he started chuckling. "Stupid cat!" I stated and turned towards Natsu. I heard a thud from behind and my head jolted in the direction. Erza had Happy crushed against her armored chest. "Hard!" Happy gasped. " Now, Now Happy! That's no way to talk to Lucy!" She told him. I couldn't help but laugh, which seemed to cause a chain reaction. Soon everyone, but Happy, was laughing. After like 3 good minutes of laughing, we headed for the train station. "Why a traaaaaaain?!" Natsu moaned. "Quit your whining! We aren't even on it yet!" Erza stated. "Yet" Natsu mumbled. I sat on the bench with Gray right next to me, Natsu standing beside me with Happy on his shoulder, and Erza  leaning against her bunch of luggage. Then the train pulled up, but little did I know that this job would change our whole group...forever!


Okay, that was my first chapter....sorry it's so short it's just I've been itching to post this! Tell me what you think and if I should post more. I really am having fun but if it's crap, I don't wanna waste your time for you criticizing if there is any spelling mistakes, plz point them out for me, I suck at spelling, lol, as you can tell ^ I didn't know how to spell it. Well I'm probably gonna end up writing more in this little section than the actual story, so bye, I'll post as soon as I get comments if I should continue :P

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