The Accident

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*Brackets () indicate inner thoughts*

Dear Journal:

Today is the day my dad leaves for his business trip. I can't believe I won't be seeing him for a whole year. At least he's not travelling alone, he has a friend of his from work going with him. My mum and I are about to head to the airport to drop him off. Mum said it was going to be a long drive so I shouldn't go but I wanted to say one last goodbye to my dad before he leaves. Oh, she's calling my name now, got to go, I'll update you later on what happens.

I sit quietly in the back seat, I'm listening to 'Somewhere only we know' by Lilly Allen. Mum and dad are chatting away in the front. I look outside at all the cars, all rushing to reach their destination. Its busy on the highway today, I remember mum saying we should leave early so we could skip all of this traffic, but dad and I decided to spend some last minute time together by playing some levels of Mario Kart 8 before going. Lets just say what we thought would be five minutes of gameplay turned into over an hour which is why we are now rushing to the airport so my dad is not late for his plane. "Hey Amelia", I take out my headphones and look up to see my mom looking at me, "Your dad asked if theres anything you want him to get you while he's on his trip" I smile, dad always came home with special goodies for me from all the places his been. He once got me a beautiful beaded necklace from mexico and I always wear it. "Anything historic or really cool looking!" I say and they both laugh. "That's my girl, always open for anything!" I laugh and am about to put my earbuds back on when I hear my dad say "Hey watch out...!" and then...


I feel something hit us

The windows smash into millions of pieces

The car rolls over

I fall and land on the seat next to me

Something hits me in the face

Then everything goes black

Its quiet now

I open my eyes, I'm still lying across the back seat, my seatbelt holding me in place.  I can't move. Theres glass all around me. It smells like smoke. "Mum? Dad?" No answer. I slowly look up. My whole body feels numb. I say it a little louder, "Mum? Dad?" Again, no answer. There's nothing I can do, nobody is around. I start screaming and crying for help. I can't die like this. No, I won't die like this. "Help!" I scream "Please someone help me please!". I hear a voice, "Hey who's in their?" The air is getting thick now, its getting hard to breathe. "Please, help me" I barely choke out. "Were coming! Hey someone call nine one one!" My head starts spinning, I feel like i'm going to faint. Just before I black out I hear "There is someone in the car! Save them!" and then that's it.

I hear a beeping noise. I'm alive, I can't believe it, i'm actually alive.I open my eyes and look around. I'm lying on a bed in a hospital room. I take a deep breathe in and start coughing. "Hey hey hey its okay" someone rushes to my side. Its a man. I feel like I've seen him before though, but i'm not sure where. "Okay hold on. Hey she's awake, someone get a nurse!" The man runs out of the room. My mind is racing. What happened? Where are my parents? Are they in another hospital room? Are they even alive? I start panicking, suddenly the beeping noise starts getting louder. A nurse shows up, "Its okay sweetheart calm down its okay i'm here" she grabs my hand and squeezes it. I try to pull away but every muscle in my body hurts. I cry out in pain. Why am I here? I just want to go back home, I want to see my parents, I want to hide in a dark corner and cry. The nurse sits down on the chair next to me and holds onto my hand. She waits until I've calmed down. (I'm safe, i'm okay, i'm in good hands now) I look up at the nurse, she smiles. "Hello Amelia, how are you doing sweetheart?". There's so much I want to say, but I can't form the words. "My name is Nurse Honey, can you try saying hello for me?" I turn to see the man standing in the door frame. I turn back to the nurse, "Hello..." The nurse smiles. "Good to hear your vocal chords are working." I smile. "Now dear, I guess you are very confused and scared at the moment, right?" "Yes...nurse" She nods. "Martin, shall I tell the girl what happened" The man nods. "Okay well, first of all, do you remember anything?" I nod, "I was in the car with my parents on the way to the airport and then my dad yelled at my mom to be careful and then I heard a crash and glass broke and I was stuck and..." I couldn't say aymore. The nurse sighs, "Yes well, you and your parents did get into a car crash. Your mother was about to turn when she wasn't looking and another car smashed right into her". I can't believe the words that just came out of her mouth. "You must be wondering where your parents are then" I nod. "Well I, uhh" Nurse Honey looks at the man in the doorway. He looks at me and says, "Amelia, your mother's in a coma". I can't believe this. "Has she woken up yet?" The man shakes his head. (Technically she's still alive, though right? She could wake up at any moment and we could continue our lives together). "And what about my father?" The man takes a deep breath, "Your father didn't make it"

End of chapter one

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