How I Met My Life

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When does someone realize they're in love? Is it when they first lay eyes on someone, and they just...know? Or can someone not love until they've spent time with them, and have become a part of their life? Maybe someone can't truly love until they know the good and bad about someone, and accept them anyways. We suffer through fights, arguments, annoying habits, and more. But, when you love someone, you make it through it all. You don't let it stop you.
For me, I knew that the second I saw her, I would have that love for her.
I had just left home, I was tired of my family constantly fighting. Usually when they begin to argue, I sit back in my room and listen to music, maybe read. But today I felt like going to the park.
Just by my house was a small park. Swings, a slide, and a little playhouse. Nothing too big. No one really came here, they built a much better park just a couple blocks over. There was a small creek by it, I remember when I was younger I'd look for all the broken glass and pottery that's come from who knows where and gotten stuck in the rocks or weeds.
Just by the creek, was my favorite thing. A giant oak tree. Someone had nailed wooden pegs into it, so kids could climb up onto it. I wasn't much of a climber, so I'd just sit under the giant branches, basking in the shade.
I couldn't remember the last time I had been there, and I didn't plan on going home anytime soon. I figured hey, why not being back some old memories? Maybe check out the creek for some new souvenirs.
I had headed over there, sitting Indian style just at the edge of the creek. The shade from the tree helped my sweating forehead from the sun. And suddenly, I began to hear the tree leaves rustle. They began to fall, landing in my lap. Just as I had looked up, I heard a yelp. For a split second, so short that I my brain hadn't even processed it, I saw a girl falling towards me. And then that split second ended, and I was crushed to the ground, by what I found out to be a girl that's only 5' tall, and was half my weight.
"Oh god..." I groaned. I could her her grunt in pain along with me. Having back problems, and having a girl slam into me after falling from the sky, who is now laying on top of me, I was slightly in pain. "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" She tried to get off me, her hands were flying everywhere. I could tell she was terrified. "Woah, chill man its okay." I did my best to slide out from under her, and sat myself up.
"I'm so so sorry, there's a really pretty view from up there and I was just trying to get a picture for tumblr and next thing I know I was falling." I remember she was rushing her words. I understood why though. Me being a guy, and in this decade, most of the time this situation would end with the guy being pissed and the girl crying.
Thankfully, I like to think I actually have manners. "Its okay," I tried to smile reassuringly, and I looked up at her. "Its a new way to make friends I guess, huh?"
"Uh," she laughed awkwardly. "Yeah." I can still remember just how she looked that day. She had been in shorts, and a small t shirt with a little alien head on the shoulder. Me, being a believer in aliens, thought it was adorable. She was much more tan than me, and her hair went well with it. A kind of dark brown you could say, and her eyes were almost just as dark. Add in some green and yellow in there, and they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.
I reached my hand out, "I'm Ash."
She didn't seem to know what to do with my hand for a second, until maybe it finally clicked that she was supposed to shake it. She seemed nervous, but shook my hand slowly. "I'm Genisis." And she smiled.
Now of course I didn't fall in love with her right away. I didn't know the girl, she had just crushed me with her tiny body. But, what I did know, is that I wanted to love her. I knew that I couldn't wait to love her. I wanted to know everything about her, and why the hell she risked her life in a giant tree just for a picture to post on tumblr.
And I did. After that, I let her find old glass in the creek with me. We talked and talked. We sat on the swings together, and chased each other around after picking on one another. We talked, for a long time. Eventually, the sun went down. We watched the sunset, and we eventually had to go our separate ways and hope our parents didn't kill us. She wrote her number on my hand, and walked the opposite way.
Walking home that night, I felt like it was fate that brought me to that park that day. And I knew that life wouldn't be the same with her, and I went to bed with a smile on my face that night. Of course, after I sent her a goodnight text.

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