Hi I'm Cecilia George,I'd prefer Cece though. I live in a small town in Chicago where the sun don't shine! I go to a school that I hate with passion. Most of the kids there are either dorks,jerks or geeks, but that just half the school. The other half are supposedly the "cool crew". Like the cheerleaders,Jocks etc. Then there's a whole different species... The Megs and her wannabes. I hate Megan Coleman with passion and I honestly don't know why. I also don't know why Eric Hoffman is going out with her. Oh wait I know she's rich, pretty and can sue. Anywho let me describe myself. I'm a 16 year old teenager with red hair blue eyes and the ability to have a bladder the size of a camel. I know what your thinking where do I fit in with the school. Well, Sarah, Jodie and I fit right in the middle .