Faded blue

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Ok so this is my entry for the fanfiction contest, 'A different world'.Its around 9000 words.Not long but I tried my best so hope you like it.

Its a teenage mutant ninja turtle fan fiction.Base of the 2012 version.

Raph's POV

Its actually been a whole entire month.30 days.I am in a nightmare.The weight of the world is on my shoulders.Its all my fault.I can remember it like it was yesterday.
The memory squeezed its way back and I was back in the moment.

I brought my sais down onto the metal armour but it did nothing.Not a single dent.We were doomed.The armoured man smirked,his helmet rolling across the floor,and kicked me right into the wall.
It was over.His small slits of eyes were clouded with a mist of revenge and he raised his hand to deliver the final blow.
It's over.Not how I wanted my life to end.Not now.The glory of a death in battle is what every ninja wants and I thought I wanted it too.
I didn't.

Thats when time slowed down.My final moments flashing before my eyes.Mikey screaming my name.Donnie staring in shock.Rain pouring down steadily.I could make out each individual sparkling droplet.
This was it.
The death of Raphael.
I never even got to say goodbye.

That's when he ran.In the blur of action I saw my elder brother run.Without any thought.Without any hindrance.Dashing through the lashing rain straight towards me.He jumped and landed right infront of me.A ghost of a smile on his face and his eyes holding a million thoughts which would never be said.The blades penetrated through his chest.The blood of my brother pooled onto me.I was paralised in fear.In shock.In terror.

It could not be happening.
The Shredder's scarred face glared down at me and his mouth twisted into a gloating smile.He pulled the blade out and laughed.A laugh only a man who found pleasure in killing could do.

Nothing was making sense.

Donnie ran up with such rage and power and pushed him into another wall.Mikey ran up to me and roughly pulled me up and handed me my sais.

He knelt down and tried stopping the blood.I stood there.I had no clue what to do.I was frozen.

Then Donnie gave a signal and Mikey threw a smoke bomb on the floor and we were gone.

The death wasn't mine.
It was the death of Leonardo.
My brother.My best friend.
And I did nothing to stop it.

I made my way to the dojo where Mikey and Donnie were already sitting.I sat down and asked what they were doing.

Mikey never sits still,especially since... then.He usually wonders aimlessly around,sometimes playing video games and other times in the dojo with master Splinter.Lately he has taken to 'exploring the sewers' but I know all he does is mourn alone since he has seen every inch of the sewers and there is nothing new.He doesn't play his pranks as heartfully as he used but he has started to crack a smile once and a while.

Donnie has taken to staying in his lab.I do pull him out from time to time but he always finds a way back in.I have no clue what he is working on but he won't let anyone come in and even watch.Not even sensei who he refuses nicely but meaningfully.He's also been in the dojo from time to time practising his skills and sometimes sparring with me.

I think he misses April and maybe even Casey too.They were the only human friends we had.At first they used to come in a lot to see if they could help but after a while,none of us would talk so they stopped visiting.April did phone from time to time,stating that she saw the krang or maybe even Rahzar or Fishface but we never left the sewers.

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