His name is Chresanto

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- Jordan's POV:

I was sleep till I got a call from my bff Chresanto but I call him Chres.

Me: Hey

Chres: Hey put on some clothes and be ready bt 12 okay?

Me: Sure

So I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I got in there I did my morning routine. After that I had on my white V-neck, my blue skinny jeans, my white supras, and I had my rolex and five bracelets. Then I had curled my hair and went downstairs with my IPhone 5c in gold. Then when I got downstairs I made me some coffee.

- Chresanto's POV:

I was on my way to get Jordan when I remembered I had to take Desiree to the mall. I mean she can wait but then she would be mad whenever I got there so I told to wait till tomorrow. I didn't tell her that I was taking Jordan to the movies. When I got there her twin brother Zedyric opened the door saying come in.

Me- Come on Jordan lets go.

Jordan- Okay here I come.

We got in the car and headed to tje movies.

- Jordan's POV:

When we got to the snack station I saw Desiree kissing some dude. That little brat is a cheater and I know Chres is going to be hurt. So instead of telling him I made him turn around.

Chres- Thanks for telling me Jordan.

Me- I'm sorry. I didn't know it till I saw.

When we found some seats we sat down and Chres was sad. Then I saw a preview of this military thing and I saw a photo of my father. The words at the bottom said Sergant Lott. I felt tears forming in my eyes and Chres have me a hug telling me that he will always be in my heart. The movie we were seeing was that Carrie movie. I was scared but Chres wasn't. He also said that he was going to spend the night because I was scared and he was sad.

- Chresanto's POV:

The movie was over and we had nothing to do so we went to my house. When we got there we went my room. I still can't believe that Desiree would do this to me. I mean I gave things that she has always wanted. But I have always had a crush on Jordan. I mean I have been good friends with Jordan since we were kids. She shared everything with me and she used to call me a cutie when we were seven. She was in the restroom while I was on my bed thinking about Jordan and how I can be her one guy. She used to be in a relationship with this guy named Desean. But they don't got out anymore because when Zedyric and their father found out. They had put an end to that relationship. Then I also remembered when told me to break up with Desiree before it wad too late. We got into a huge fight because of that.


Jordan: You need to break up with Desiree.

Me: No I don't and why.

Jordan: Yes you do and she will break you less then a year and she will make you broke.

Me: She makes me happy.

Jordan: Well that dick sucking bitch of your is a hoe.

Me: She is not a hoe.

Jordan: Fine but when she break your heart don't come to me. Wait I will be there when she does.

Flashback over.

- Jordan's POV:

When I came out the bathroom Chres was on his bed sleep. I was going to wake him up but I just layed next to him and finally fell asleep. I have a little crush on Chres but it's not like it's going to ever happen. I mean he might find someone else.

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