Wolf in love [kai and you]

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Kai: When you first meet Kai, he is cold hearted but once you get to know him he's a kind hearted. Kai does not like to make girls cry.

KimJa: KimJa is a sensitvite person so she will get sad very fast even if it was a joke.

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Kai's thinking is bold

KimJa's thinking is bold and italics


Chapter One: Mean yet Nice person

Your POV

I stepped into my new classroom when the teacher told me to come in. Everbody was looking at me.

"Everbody this is Kang KimJa she just trandsfred from Hansung high school." The teacher told the students. "Since she is new will someone show her around school?" The teacher ask. Mostly alll of them wanted to show me around school. "KimJa you want to choose?"

"No I'm fine teacher." I said

"Oh, well you can call me Mr.Choi." Mr.Choi told me. "Well I'll choose for you okay." Mr.Choi said to me.

"Okay thanks Mr.Choi." I said while bowing down.

"Mr.Kim!" Mr.Choi said

"What." A guy in the back replied back with a cold tune.

"Thank you for volunteering!" Mr.Choi said seriously

"But I didn't ev-" The guy said when Mr.Choi cut in.

"Mr.Kim I would like to star class now be quiet while I talk."Mr.Choi said and turned to me. Mr.Choi showed me my set and I went to sit.

"Bu-" The guy saiid while Mr.Choi cut in again.

"I'm starting class now Mr.Kim please be quiet." Mr.Choi said

"Bu-" The guy said but was cut

"One more word and you will be send to the office." Mr.Choi told the guy kinda angry. The guy stayed quiet until class was done,he went up to Mr.Choi after he finish cleaning.

"Mr.Choi I didn't ev-" He said getting cut off.

"KimJa come here." Mr.Choi said cutting the person talking to him.

"Yes." I said walking to Mr.Choi.

"KimJa this is Kai, Kai this is KimJa. starting today Kai will be showing you around Seoul school." Mr.Choi told me. "Kai show KimJa to the cafeteria." Mr.Choi told Kai

"Fine." Kai said coldly. "Follow me" Kai said really mad trying not to show.

"Are you okay?" I asked nicely

"DO YOU THINK I AM!" Kai yelled at me.

"I-I j-just wanted t-to know." I said crying a little

"Hey don't cry I hate making girls cry." Kai said trying to cheer me up. "What did I do to make you cry?" Kai ask.

"You yelled at me! Do I go around yelling at you!" I told him trying to stop crying.

"Here wipe your tears." He said handing me a tissue.

Kai's POV

Why do I have to show a sesitive person around school. I asked myself.

We got to the cafeteria and Luhan and Sehun was waving at me. I was about to go when I had to show the new kid, KimJa, around. So I showed her how things worked around here before I went to Luhan and Sehun.

Your POV

When Kai was finish showing me how stuff worked around here, he went to his friends. I was looking around where I could sit when someone with a familiar voice called my name, and I turned around. Looking straight ahead and saw Taemin and Sulli.

"Sulli! Taemin! What are you guys doing here?! I ask excited.

Taemin had blond hair neatly combed to the side.

Sulli had long, dark brown hair.

"Let's go sit down and we'll talk about it, okay? Sulli told me while leading me to the table.

Kai's POV

"Have you develop any feelings towards a girl yet Kai?" Sehun asked me.

"No, she's a transfer student who Mr.Choi told me to show around the school." I told them calmly then a bit angier by the end of the sentence.

We ate our lunch in silence for abit, and soon we were starting to head to our next classes until Luhan said something.

"Wait what about the transfer student? Does she know where to go?" Luhan asked me.

I didn't say a word and thought about Luhan's question, then walked over to KimJa.

"Do you know where to go?" I asked her.

"No." She said with a face that told me that she's new around here.

"Which class do you have next? I have Math. You?" I asked her as she looked down a piece of paper. Then she looked back up and responded with, "Math."

The end of the day

"Give me your phone." I told KimJa coldly while handing out my hand.

Instead of waiting for her to place her cellphone in my hand, I quickly snatched it from her hand and saved my number onto her phone and called my own cell so I could also have her number.

"If you need help with anything, just call me." I told her and watched her nod her head with shocked eyes.

Your POV

When Kai told me to give my phone to him, I gave a questioning look before slowly handing it to him, but instead he swiftly took my phone and did something.

"If you need help with anything,just call me." Kai told me.

So that's why he wanted my phone. Since Kai is populer girls kept pushing me so they can also get his number. I was afirad of big crowds but then I heard a farmiler vocie say.

"Hey stop!" I looked up and saw taemin and sulli. Everone back up and stop I stood up and ran to taemin and sulli.

"Thank you guys." I told them.

"No need to thanks us thats what friends are for right." Sulli said

"Well i'll be going home!" I told taemin and sulli cheerfully.

"Bye." Sulli and taemin said together.


A/N: Hi this is my first or second fanfic so you guys can give me advice if you want to and thank you for reading my fanfic. Also comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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