Flirting With Danger

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Chapter 1

Laying on a green grassy hill, with the breeze just perfectly blowing  gently across my cheek and the sky so blue, letting my iPod play Micheal BlubIé I just feel so......relaxed. I am so glad I had found this place that is just five minutes away from home. I needed this moment. Especially, since last week was terrible with my aunts coming over from San Francisco to visit my mom and the new place we moved to, whom my dad had bought with the money he'd gotten at his higher position as a lawyer. It was s a surprise for both my mom and I but, since I've always known to be a good child, I didn't make a fuss in front of my father. I just sucked it up and just wish for senior year to fly by so I can hopefully make a plan to move back to my beloved San Fran life.

Speaking of going back to San Fran, thank the heavens my aunts are going back in two days.

They were so annoying!

They kept making unusual requests which made me dislike them even more. My aunt Debbie is the worst then the other two. She had me wash her clothes in which I had to touch granny panties when they where done drying, scrub her feet that smelled like old sweaty shoes, and worst of all, she made me go run to the store to buy a precise carton of milk! Which the store didn't even have! So, I had to go to four different stores till I found the right one at two in the morning‼! My mom would scold me not to make any faces, unless I wanted to stay that way forever. Thankfully, I heard they were leaving on Sunday which made me do a happy dance.

I sit up a bit and looked around. This place seems so calm and just so peaceful (not that I don't mind that). I miss my old home. I thought it was perfect with my perfect view of the ocean outside my window, the seashells that where on top my dressers and walls that I collected whenever we went to the beach, my own awesome balcony that I decorated myself with turquoise cushions for my soft and bouncy sofa, the way how my room looked like a shack, my friends Darla and Trevor who I miss more than anything.

I met Darla in the beginning of freshmen year. I was looking for a book to read in the library in the morning when one caught my eye.

"That is an awesome book....if you like adventure and the seven seas kind-of-thing", I look at the girl who spoke next to me giving me this kind smile. She was the same height as me and her skin was a light olive color and her hair was beautifully long and black being held back by blue flowered barrettes. Her eyes were blue as the Caribbean Sea. They were so clear and innocent looking but big. Her body was like a model's. She was gorgeous. I was surprised someone like her would like to read.

I gave her a smile "Is it really good? I love books that make me imagine and can take me to places that I wish I could be."

"Yup! I do to! I'm Darla" she said cheerfully extending her hand to me.

"Joanne." I said with a smile and extended my hand as well and we both shook hands.

We kept talking about all sorts of books and realized we had a lot in common in many other things. Laughed a couple of times on some stuff, it was great. We found out that we had a lot of classes together. Then we met Trevor when we decided to get smoothies at the shop after school. He was so cute. He was an inch taller than us and his hair was dark brown and blue eyes that look like diamonds. Is the world being taken over by blue eyed people?

Darla kept flirting but surprisingly he didn't noticed or he maybe wasn't interested. He was very friendly and told us that he was transferring to our school.

"Maybe you might have the same classes as us!" Darla happily shouted, having people turn to look our table. I put my head down and took a sip on my smoothie. Any louder please?

"That would be cool." He chuckled and winked at me. I blushed and looked away. Damn he was cute! Hoping Darla didn't notice I look at the window and try to seem interested, even though there was nothing but cars passing by.

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