Chapter Sixteen

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The drive back to Kensington Palace that night was silent. Harry wished Lucy had stayed at the hospital for longer and he wished that she had the biopsy right there and there, but she refused both. There were more than a lot of things they needed to talk about. At the top of the list were the kids.

Harry's mind was focused on what the kids were going to hear about their mum, what condition she was in and what was going to happen. In honesty, he knew Lucy was thinking about the same thing. Harry wanted to tell the kids, all of them, what was happening. He wanted to give them the truth. But he knew Lucy preferred to tell them nothing, unless there was something to tell. In her mind, there was nothing.

But the boys, Freddie and Henry, already knew something was up. She couldn't possibly lie to them. They were going to ask, Harry thought. And then he thought better of it. The boys were well trained, especially by their mother, and she kept them easily at her side. The girls were the wild cards, running around and mental. The boys would've stood by their mum until the end of time.

Upon entering Kensington Palace, it wasn't a mess. The maids had swept through, cleaning up everything in sight. The married couple knew if they went upstairs, no evidence would be there of what happened today. This was by William's doing; he had to always clean up, or cover up. The maids did a good job, and the married couple could've forgotten about what happened last night and this morning. Lucy didn't even know what happened this morning.

"Do you want the kids home tonight?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer.


He nodded. "I'll get them. Do you need anything? I can make you dinner or get you into bed. Maybe draw you a bath?"

"No. Just them."

Sighing, he paused before he left. "What are we going to tell them?" Harry hoped that Lucy would've changed her mind, wanted to tell her kids, just give them some truth. But she wanted their innocence more. "The boys know something is going on," Harry went on, "so we can't exactly hide it from them."

"No, probably not," she agreed. "We can tell, I guess, but the girls, not yet."

Harry knew that was all he was going to get. "You sure you don't need anything?"

"Go, Harry, please. I'm fine."

Turning to the door, Harry paused again. Dangerous thoughts ran through his head. What if he...? He had to do it. Lucy's back was still turned to him, and Harry marched over to his wife. He didn't hesitate, because Lucy hated hesitation. Pull the trigger. Harry's lips brushed along Lucy's cheek. His hot breath made the small hairs on her skin rise. His lips planted on her skin, just a quick kiss. Harry wanted to touch her lips again but he didn't dare in this moment. His arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close. His other hand hovered on her should. His lips pecked at her skin, and then it was over. Harry didn't wait as he left; Lucy still stood there.

Harry tried not to look back as he got into the car and headed to Buckingham Palace. He put his eyes forward, even with his mind on his wife, wondering what she did now. He wanted to know what she thought. Did she blush? Did her skin grow hot where he kissed her? Did she touch her face right where his lips planted? Did she smile? He was desperate to know. Lucy was never going to tell him, though.

The girls ran around after spending their day cooped up in Buckingham. Though there were many rooms for hide and seek and games, the girls needed to be outside. But with the new and constant media circus, it wasn't quite safe for them right now. There were too many paparazzi for them outside. The boys had a better understanding and just waited patiently as their dad got everything read.

In the car, the girls sang along to the new pop song on the radio, and thankfully they didn't understand the lyrics. The boys were only slowly being able to understand the context of the sun. It was much more than sexual innuendo.

The car pulled up to Harry's Kensington Palace apartment and the girls hopped out. Harry and the boys were left to grab all of the girls' overnight bags and stuffed animals. The door was left open as they shuffled into the apartment. The boys dropped things as soon as they could while Harry hoped to get the stuff up the stairs. However, he stopped once he saw the scene in front of him.

Lucy's daughters-- his daughters-- were crowded their mum. Managing to hold them all, the girls had called onto Lucy's lap and around her. Calming down immediately, the girls managed to slowly nod off already. Lucy's fingertips brushed her daughters' hair back from their faces. It was like the girls knew somehow, but Harry thought it was just the girls liking to be back with their mum. He had never seen them so clingy when she had been gone, but it felt different now. The girls looked different now.

"Freddie, Henry, can you help me bring these things upstairs please?"

The boys complied and helped bring the girls' stuff upstairs and to their bedrooms. Coming back downstairs, Lucy talked to the girls with a smile on her face. They giggled. The boys came down too, after changing into pajamas.

Lucy's eyes glanced up. "Okay, now off to bed."

The girls didn't want to go but complied.

"Are you going to tuck us in, Mummy?" Emma asked.

"No," Louise said, "we're big girls."

Eyes fell onto Beatrice, as the tie-breaker. But Beatrice had no answer.

Lucy said, "You go get ready for bed and get into bed, turn off the lights and try to fall asleep, then Daddy and I will come check in on you guys. How about that?"

"Will you be long?" Emma asked.

"I have to talk to your brothers about something, and then we'll be up," Lucy promised.

Louise snickered from behind everyone, thinking the boys were in trouble. Lucy gave her eldest daughter a pointed look, and the girl disappeared upstairs. The other two girls followed.

Fixing herself on the couch, Lucy patted the space beside her and the boys sat down beside her, one on either side. Harry sat across, placing his rear on the coffee table. It was better, he decided, if this was as much as a circle as it could get. Lucy waited. Harry thought he was supposed to talk, so he opened his mouth-- Lucy placed a finger to her lips and pointed up. After a minute, the last door closed.

"So, boys," Lucy began, "we need to talk."

"Is it serious?" Freddie asked. "You passed out and Dad said there was perhaps something wrong, and...."

Lucy smiled kindly at her son. "There is something wrong, and we aren't sure how serious it is."

"What is it?" Henry asked.

"I have mass in my head that shouldn't be there." Lucy pointed to her skull. "And they don't know how bad it is, and they won't know for a little while. But we'll know in a week or so. We just need some time."

"Is the mass cancer?" Freddie asked.

"That's what we don't know," Harry said.

Biting her lip, Lucy tried to fix this. "Look, not much is going to change. I'm still your mum and I still expect you guys to do well in school and do chores around the house. I am still your mum and I still get everything done. I still kick ass." The boys laughed. "Once the bridge comes, we'll cross it together. I promise."

"I promise too," Freddie said.

"Me three," Henry agreed.

"Me also," Harry answered.

"Then we're all agreed." She smiled. "Any questions?"

Henry didn't hesitate. "Are you going to be bald?"

"Probably yes, and I'll be awesome while doing it." Her fingers ran through Freddie's ginger hair. "Now, if there isn't anything else, you two have school in the morning. Off to bed." Lucy kissed both of her sons before they headed up to their bedrooms, leaving their parents alone. "Off to bed for you too," she said. "You've been up for a long time." Her voice was gentle and smooth, like silk.

"I'm not tired."

"I am," Lucy stood, "and I would like you to come to bed with me."

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