get ready for angst bbEmerald tried to flee the mass corruption caused by (who we assume was) the diamonds. She ran into a cave for cover but was still corrupted. In her corrupted form, she has hair similair to Malachite's, except it's a pastel green colour. There is a mass of pink flowers covering her forehead and eyes, and thin, thorny vines wrapped around her entire body, on top of her leaf clothes. Her gem is in the same shape and place as Lapis Lazuli's. When she is corrupted, she has claws instead of hands and feet. Her vines bound her to the ground of the cave, and there were more healthy, loose, natural vines concealing the entrance of the cave, which is underneath a lake. One day, the Crystal Gems are out on a mission, and Steven sticks his hands into the lake, and her vines wrap around his arms, pulling him into the lake, all the way to the cave, where he heals her. Emerald's normal form is a crop top and skirt made out of leaves, with green, healthy vines from her elbows to her wrists and middle finger, and her knees to her ankles. She has pastel green wavy hair that reaches her shoulders, with a pink flowers in her hair on the right side. She has dark green eyes, with eyebags and dark circles. She always thinks everyone talks to her out of pity, and that they don't really like her, except for Steven.
thx for readin my angsty backstory for this character bb <3 u beautiful, inside and out