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*General POV

Silver froze as she saw that particular familiar figure standing in front of her, with a questioning look that screams what the hell is my phone doing in your hand? Even though she fought her curiosity for so long, and between of all time he chose to come when she held his phone. Justin bit his lower preventing his lips from curving into a smirk.

"Oh! Justin .... Umm you're here! Ummm the phone was"

"On the bed?"

"Umm no, ringing"


"It was on that desk not on the bed" Silver said with a wide smile on her face. Justin rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle.
He extended his hand asking for the phone, as she was handing it to him it rang again.

Raymond. Justin furrowed his eyebrows took a deep breath and answered it, Silver stood there curiosity taking over her.

Justin: yes Ray?

Raymond: where are you?

Justin: what's wrong? Your voice doesn't tell it's a good news.

Justin knew something isn't okay and he was right, he knows his friend or rather say more like his brother, but the thing that hurt him so much that even though he felt that Raymond is okay, he knew that another one isn't.

Raymond: yes, it's not. you gotta a good sense.

Raymond's voice was so cold, it showed pain, his voice didn't come out clearly, like there is something suffocating him. Justin hated the feeling that fill his body, he knew something happened, something really, really bad happened.

Justin: I'm at home, now what you got.

Raymond: Justin, we found Malcolm.

Justin: ....

Justin clenched his fist, his jaw was tightened he felt coldness getting through his veins and reaching to his heart, not a good thing.

Raymond: Justin, he's dying.

Breathes stuck in his throat, his beats decreased he felt his heart nearly stopped, suddenly He got cold and He felt like he's dead, no blood in his veins.

Raymond: ..... Justin ...... Come, please.

Justin didn't have the chance to reply and It went dead on the other side of the line, he thought that was better, he didn't want to talk, not even saying good bye. He just put the phone in his pocket and stayed silent, normally he'd be angry, no! He'd be furious.

He didn't know what he may do right now and immediately his brown orbs darted to the fragile freaked figure that stood right in front of him, he noticed the questioning scared look on her face.

He cleared his throat then said, "Silver, go out" unlike what Justin thought, she responded at once and went out.

Too many thoughts and too many things running through her mind, her mind was f*cked up. What about the sudden and freaking changes that happened to Justin? why did his terrifying side showed up?

Darker orbs, clenched fists, cold face, tightened muscles and finally his horrible silence. She went out and closed the door.

Something suffocated him that he couldn't shout, talk, think or breathe, a strange feeling suddenly made it out of his heart straight to his brain and finally to his eyes. Crying?

"Crying?" He whispered questioningly to himself.
He headed to the mirror and stood in front of it looking at himself for a few seconds.

He chuckled scoffingly then whispered "yeah crying" his anger grew bigger, the blood in his veins running faster, he could've killed someone right now but then he felt something cold, his hand was on something, he held it tightly and then brought it up so he can take a better look at it, Malcolm's silver necklace.

"Why?! ... Why me?!! What have I done?" He said that as everything was messed up in his mind, he felt his whole world was falling apart, no matter how hard he thought and planned to make things right, something screwed it. he knew that there's a point where he'll be forced to choose but he never thought it would be that soon.

What made Justin in that state wasn't only knowing that Malcolm in a bad state but because he doesn't know what to do, too much fights and problems happened recently and he knew he is not able to focus on everything, he knew he can't have Silver only because he wants to, he can't ignore the danger she will have to face and he defiantly can't ignore that he'll be the reason.

He feels guilty and selfish for making everyone suffers because of him wanting to be happy, he thought maybe not everyone has the right to be happy, maybe he's one of those who can't be happy even if they tried hard.

Silver stood out the door, one hand on her mouth and another on her chest, she felt lost, she doesn't know what happened to Justin and also she didn't know how to help him, she thought about getting in the room but her feet let her down. she jumped as she heard a bang, she knew Justin hit something.

She wondered if the guys downstairs noticed the mess here, but no one did the tv was loud enough to distract them. she took a deep breath in an held it for a second.

Nothing to be lost, she thought inside her head and opened the door quickly to find a .... a ...... she didn't know what to say to describe Justin, she only used to find a sexy Justin, an angry Justin, a strong Justin but that one confused her.

Justin's hair was messed up he was on the floor beside the bed, leaning his back on the bed, one knee to his chest and the other leg relaxed and extended, his head fell back on the mattress, he looked exhausted and lost, she accepted that fact but the fact that she felt Justin was weak and in need? That is the one she couldn't realize.

"Justin?" She whispered.

"I'm leaving" he said in such a cold and strict tone.


"I'm going back to the guys now"

"A-alright but what happened?" Silver tried to ask him more questions because for a second she felt like he's talking about leaving her and going back to his normal life with the guys, she pushed the idea away but his attitude his tone and the words made her rethink again, she wanted to ask him are you talking about me? She wanted to scream is it about me?!!

Only one thing prevented her from asking, the answer could be a yes, just a simple yes could ruin her life.

"Problem, it'll be solved"

Her heart clenched, she tried to breath in but she couldn't.

"Relax, Silver. relax"

"Silver!!!!" Robin's voice from downstairs snatched her out of her confusion and scary state.

"Ah, yes?"

"Chocolate is here!!"



"Hurry he'll eat them all" she gasped for air as she heard Justin telling her that, his tone wasn't any better but he stood up and she knew he was forcing a smile. She cleared her throat then a yes found it's way out of her mouth.

She walked out of the door after taking a second glance at Justin, his eyes was fixed on her, an eyes full of regret and sadness.

As she walked downstairs she was praying that her legs won't let her down and her eyes won't draw the roads for tears to go down her cheeks.

"Hurry!! That's a good movie here!"

"Ah mom!! That's a romantic shitty movie!!"

"Robin! Behave!!"

"Oh god!"

Silver laughed at Robin and decided to join them silently, all she needed was Karen and a comfortable couch to cry, cry a lot then comes Justin with a smile to tell her he's here, beside her.

A couple of hours later, after a good romantic shitty movie, some chocolate and a totally funny Robin, Silver found a way to relax for a bit.

Her phone peeped next to her. A text from a strange number.

Strange number:

Take the phone and go out. Silently.


Her face held a frown.


Who is it?

Strange number:

Just do it for Justin's sake!

Take the back door.

"U-umm guys, I'll have a walk"

"I'll -"

"No, Robin I-I need to be alone"


She stood at once and headed to the back door. she wasn't sure about what she was doing but hey! since when she was sure about what she's doing anyway?


I'm out.


Walk for a while.


Who. is. it?



Walk to find out.

She had no other choice so she walked.


Walk to where?


Walk ahead, I'll come to you.

She kept walking knowing that at some point she'll regret it, the only thing that made her go out of the house was that stranger mentioning Justin.

*back to Justin.

"Come on!!! Pick up the phone!!"

....: hello?

Justin: hey Liam it's Justin. I need a favor.

Liam: sure! Anything.

Justin: I'm at my family's house, I need you to come.

Liam: I'm coming.


"Hey" someone whispered from behind, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around to find Keaton.

"Keaton?! Where did you get my number"

"Yeah hi, I'm fine too" he said chuckling, she just smiled and looked away.

"You're in a horrible state, Silver"

"No, I'm ... I'm fine" Keaton raised an eyebrow.

"Look I told you before, not me not just not anyone of our world can be good for you"

"Keaton, please if you're telling me the same things you told me before -"

"I'm not" Keaton said interrupting her then continued, "Justin is probably going back to the guys, right?"

"Yeah how did you know?"

"I just know, now listen Silver, Daniel almost know everywhere you can go to as long as you're with Justin an he's probably waiting him there, so for goodness sake stay away from him just for a while"

"Wait, what? I don't understand, why is Justin going back especially now? And why do you and Daniel know? How did you even know?"

"You don't know about Malcolm?"

"What's wrong with him?"

"He got beaten up almost to death" Keaton said with a grin.

"What??!! Why are you grinning?! What's wrong with you?! Go away, I'm telling Justin" she said pushing him away going back to the house. He got a caught on her wrists pulling her back towards him, now he was so close to her that their breathes were mixing.

"Now listen to me Silver, Justin knows about Malcolm, he's going back now an Daniel knows, he's waiting for him back there, not you, not me not even Justin can stop Daniel from doing what he wants" he said looking straight in her arms, in a very strict tone that it succeeded at scaring her for a while.

"I will tell Justin, Keaton" she said trying to release herself out of his grip, he tightened his hands even more, she felt her bones crashing, her face gave a pain expression.

"The only thing you will do is to run away, Silver!" He said quietly the shouted while she's trying to escape "are you listening to me?!!"

And that was it, Silver couldn't take it anymore, she swallowed the lump in her throat and started to cry still pushing him away an trying to run back.

"No!!! No I'm not listening to you and I won't !!! Leave me Keaton leave me !!!" Silver shouted as loud as she can. her words hurt Keaton but he held the pain back while trying to prevent her from going back.

"Stop it!!! Keaton ..... Ah!! Stop it !! You're hurting me" she said while crying then she couldn't help it but to fall on the ground. That's when Keaton released her.

He looked down at her on the ground just at his feet, he squeezed his eyes shut looking up at the sky, cursing for making her cry, he pushed his hair back then got down to his knees.

He looked at her while she sobbing, and hugged her.

"I'm sorry"

As he hugged her, they heard an engine's roar, Silver's eyes widened, she knew it was Justin, she stood up at once and ran away from Keaton back to Justin.

Keaton smiled scoffingly with a lot of pain inside closing his eyes for a while.

Silver raced to the house to tell Justin what was waiting for him, as her feet was hitting the road to Justin's she looked back at Keaton and whispered, "I'm sorry too"

Once she was looking ahead again, someone held her waist. she gasped more air as it surprise her.

She looked at the guy's face but she didn't know him, then she looked at Justin in the car looking at her, he squeezed his eyes shut then opened it again and raced down the road.

"Justin!!!!" She screamed his name pushing that guy away but she couldn't, she knew that he's Justin's friend, he wanted to prevent her from coming with him.

"Leave me !!! Leave me !!!" She screamed at her but he didn't. She started to cry again.

"Calm down, Silver!" The it said.

"They're waiting for him!!! I have to tell him"

"Who is waiting for him?" The guy asked with a frown.

"Aaaahhh ..... Daniel .... You ah ..... Just leave me" she hit him with her elbow in his stomach as she couldn't get out of his arms that were wrapped around her waist.

"F*ck" he cursed as she was released the he bent forward because of the pain.

"I'm sorry" she said, she looked right an left and didn't know what to do, she fisted the guy's shirt.

"Please !! Please !! If you love Justin, take a to him !!! Daniel is waiting for him there!!"

"Daniel?!! Like the real Daniel?!"
She frowned getting what he said, the she replied "is there like, a fake one?"

"Stay here I'm going after him"

"No!! Wait ... Ummm"

"Liam, I'm Liam"

"Yes Liam I need to come with you"

"No you can't" he said that then rushed to his car. She ran after him and stood in front of his car.

"Silver go away!!"

"I won't !! Take me with ya!!" He cursed then told her to get in.

As she climbed in he smashed the pedal to catch up with Justin.

He got the phone out of his pocket and sent a text to someone, few seconds later his phone rang.

Liam: yes?

.....: me and Ethan are coming.

Liam: get the others too.


He raced down the road not only to get there fast but he wanted to be away from Silver as quick as possible, he felt that in anytime he would just turn around to wipe off her tears and bet a kiss from her.

As he was thinking about Silver he passed by a car and glimpsed Daniel with two other people. He already passed by them, he quickly turned around to go back to Silver, as he saw Daniel smirking and taking the road back.

Silver was looking out of the window thinking about what's going to happen, when she heard a car speeding down towards them, she looked at Liam who was putting the phones down, he wasn't focusing on the road even though he was speeding, she took a glance at the car that was on the same path as the them but coming the opposite direction.

She thought that the car would take the other path but it didn't, she screamed "watch out!!!" As Liam was looking back at the road, everything happened so quickly, Liam tried to avoid it.

Everything went black.


Heeeeyyaaaaaa Silebers ( yeah a combination between SILVER AND BIEBER) !! So umm not a long chapter but a good one, don't ya think?!!

Everything getting complicated again !!!


So guys here's a competition make a book cover for this story and let's see the best one!! :D the one that will win will have an imagine with Justin ^_^ don't forget to send me your name too

Thanks for the great comments :D you guy make my day!!

Here's the chapter's Questions:

{ what will happen to Silver? }

{ do you think Malcolm will actually die? }

Lalalala don't know what to say more :P

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