Oil Spill - Teddy & Victoire

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Teddy stared down his reflection in the mirror, he was trying to decide on a new hair colour. His hair had been bright blue, his personal favourite, for a while now, and besides, whenever he needed an extra boost of confidence, a change of hair colour seemed to do the trick. His thoughts wandered to Victoire, the reason he was feeling so agitated, so nervous. Caught up in his thoughts, Teddy didn't notice that his hair had replicated the platinum-blonde colour of Victoire's, and was slowly growing longer. It wasn't until a few strands helpfully dangled themselves in front of his eyeballs that he snapped out of the trance. He scowled at his reflection and his hair jumped back to it's usual length; a bit grown out, tousled and messy. He trudged back from the bathroom to his dorm, and dramatically flopped onto his bed. Trying to distract himself from any more thoughts of Victoire, he carefully examined the details in the canopy above his four poster.

Just then his friend Noah sauntered into the room.

"Hey there Teddy boy!" Noah said, sitting down at the end of his own bed.

"Hi Noah." Teddy rolled his eyes at Noah's eccentric behaviour.

"You know, getting a date for this dance has not been as easy as I thought it would be! I left it too late and now all the girls I wanted to ask have been taken!" Noah exclaimed, seeming genuinely surprised, "What about you, asked anyone yet?"

"Nah, haven't got around to it." Teddy ran his hand through his hair as he sat up.



"You do realise that your hair is currently the exact colour of Victoire Weasley's?" Noah smirked.

Teddy stammered, "Well, ah... I was trying to decide on a new hair colour!"

"Uh huh." Noah sounded entirely unconvinced as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Teddy sighed, then realised, "Hey, how come you know the exact colour of Victoire's hair!?"

Noah batted away the question with his hand, "How come you haven't asked her yet? Everyone knows you have the hots for eachother!"

"I... um, it's... well I don't really know..." Teddy blushed.

"By Merlin, Teddy you're not normally such a bumbling mess!"

Noah jumped up abruptly and took Teddy by the shoulders, "Ted, change your hair colour, we're going to find Victoire!"

"O-ok, but I hadn't decided what colour I was going with..." Teddy mumbled, looking a bit taken aback.

"Uh, well how about that black one with the purpley, greeny, blue stuff!" Noah gestured manically at his own head.

"Oh the one that looks like a muggle oil spill? Yeah," Teddy paused, "that's a cool one. Thanks!"

Teddy scrunched up his face while Noah grabbed a mirror from the side table and shoved it into his hand. Teddy got a quick glance at his new hair before Noah yanked him up and shoved him out the door. Noah broke out into a run as they headed up the stairs into the Hufflepuff common room, Teddy laughed sprinting to catch up him. Other students looked at them quizzically as they ran out into the corridor. A curious house elf popped her head out of the kitchen as Noah threw his fist in the air and cheered wildly.

"Noah! As much as I appreciate this endorphin producing run we're doing, I'd rather not be sweaty when I ask Victoire to the dance."

Noah laughed and slowed to a walk, "Right you are my friend!"

Teddy glanced out a window at the beautiful castle grounds as they passed, which were covered in pure white snow. He spotted some 1st years having a snowball fight, and smiled to himself. Noah poked him sharply in the arm.

"Ow! What was..."

Noah jerked his head to the left and coughed awkwardly, Teddy peered over at where he was gesturing and spotted Victoire, sitting on a bench with her friends; Victoire, like her mother, had this irresistible aura around her; when she laughed it was like an exploding sun, but she had a look in her eyes that could kill a man, her face was splattered in freckles that she'd inherited from her father, however her hair was distinctly like her mother's.

Teddy ran his hands through his hair, and tried to put a swagger in his walk as he made his way over to Victoire.

"Hey Vic, can I talk to you?" Teddy tried his best to sound as nonchalant as possible.

Victoire rolled her eyes at her friends, she often told them about Teddy's 'too cool' moments.

"Sure," she sighed.

They walked out into the courtyard, and Teddy leant against a pillar, Victoire crossed her arms and looked at him expectantly.

"So you wanna go to the dance with me?" Teddy was still trying to pull off his aloof act.

Victoire pursed her lips, "I'll think about it."

As she walked away, her platnium-blonde hair flowing behind her like a post rainstorm river, Teddy stood with his mouth open in shock, this was definitely not the direction he'd planned the conversation going in. Shaking his head like a dog coming out of water he chased Victoire, grabbed her by the waist and spun her around.

"Hey!" She screamed and laughed, "Put me down!"

"If you insist." Teddy scooped her legs from under her and went to go to place her lying down on the snow.

"Edward Remus Lupin don't you dare!" Victoire shouted as she struggled to get out of his grip.

Teddy looked into her eyes, they were a piercing icy shade of blue that threatened to drown him, but he couldn't tear his eyes from hers as he slowly put her back on her feet. He took both her hands in his.

"Victoire, will you please do me the honour of being my date to the Winter Ball?"

Victoire smiled, "I suppose, seeing as I can't go otherwise. 5th years and up."

Teddy laughed, "There's no way I'm the first person to ask you!"

"Yeah, but I'm not about to go with just anyone, now that'd be desperate!"

"Well good thing I'm not just anyone."

"Don't get cocky you."

Throughout this exchange they'd moved slowly closer together, their faces barely an inch away from each other. Teddy leant in, Victoire closed her eyes and...


Teddy and Victoire sprang apart, Professor McLaggen was shooting them daggers from the entrance to his office.

"Have a bit of dignity." He winked and pointed upwards, Mr Belby's raven was watching from above, and if the caretaker, who followed closely in his grumpy predecessor's shoes, had caught them, they would have suffered far worse than a telling off.

Teddy smiled at Victoire, "So I'll catch up with you later?"

"Sounds good by me!"

As Teddy walked away Victoire smiled to herself, no matter how he changed his look, his eyes still kept that mischievous twinkle that she loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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