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     Ian was running down a bright white hallway with not a spot on it. Beside him was a young girl about his age with curly brown hair matted to her head wearing a loose green open back t-shirt and tight jeans that had been ripped at about the knee. Her eyes were a beautiful silvery gray. He felt he could lose himself in her eyes but there was no time for that now he had to run! The sense of urgency kept him from stopping to face the attackers in a contrasting black bodysuits lined with bright green stripes. They held large rifles and were shooting down the hall at the young teens. The pursuit weren't good aims because they missed almost all of their shots but it was only a matter of time before they landed one in the strait hall. And it finally happened his friend hit the ground having been shot in the back! He whipped around to face the opponents quickly diverging on their point. His fist flew out and punched the first man in the face.

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