Chapter 1

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Joey POV:

As I opened my laptop to see if my videos peeked anyone's interest, I scrolled through the few comments but one particularly stuck out to me. The comment read:

"What the hell is this?! Why are acting so feminine! They should call you Joey Gay-cef-fag!!! Stop posting videos now before you embarrass yourself even more than you already have!"                 -DanielPreda22

I sat there looking at the comment for a moment deciding whether or not to reply. As I was thinking, another comment popped up, but this time on a separate post.

"Why are you even on YouTube?!? It would be better off without your stupid ass videos! In fact, the world would be better off without you, faggot!"            

As I read the comments, more and more just seemed to pop up. I watch as my comments section, once full of love, now was full of hate. My eyes started to well up, and a tear slid down the side of my face. I quickly wiped it away when I heard the front door shut. It was my best friends, and roommates, Connor Franta and Shane Dawson. They were bickering over who gets to use the pretty pink wig they just bought first in their videos.

Connor: "Just cause you wear wigs for your characters doesn't mean you should get it!"

Shane: "Just cause you want to do a drag video doesn't mean you should get it!"

Joey: (standing up from computer) Why don't you just give it to me?!

They both said at the exact same time:
"NO!" Then Connor seemed to noticed the glint in my eye and said, "Joey... Are you ok??" Before I had time to close my computer they saw the hate comments.

Tears started spilling from my eyes as Shane caught me and Connor shut off the computer. "It's going to be ok," Shane whispered in my ear while laying me down on the couch, "Everything's going to be ok."

Hey Guys!!! Sorry this chapter is so short! This is my first time to write a Fanfiction so I know it's not great... But this is a work in progress so just stay with me, and I know what your thinking: "Why the hell would you make Daniel say such mean things!" I PROMISE it will get better, and it hurt me too even just writing those words!
If you have any thoughts or suggestions please leave that in the comments section. If you enjoyed this chapter please vote for it, that lets me know I'm not a loser writing a lame story... Thanks again for reading this!
Love you guys!!!

Yours truly,

Through Hate Comes Love- J.G. + D.P.Where stories live. Discover now