The Happy Couple

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"Okay, I'm ready, hon!"

Susan cried from the master bedroom to her husband, John, who was downstairs getting himself ready. She looked at herself in the mirror once again and smiled at her appearance. She couldn't wait to see the look on John's face.

Today is their three-year anniversary of marriage and hopefully it will be better than the other two. John had told her since last week to not plan anything for their anniversary, saying that he will do the planning this year. Though, he hasn't told Susan what she'd expect, he told her to wear something formal and sexy.

Susan giggled at the thought.

That was the day John had given her a bouquet filled with two dozen red roses. He claimed that they were for no special occasion, but Susan knew better. That was one of the many gifts John had given her throughout the week. The following day, he came home from work with a box of chocolates and the rest of the week involved a cute red teddy bear, a beautiful expensive charmed bracelet and a pecan pie with whipped cream. Yum!

Susan moved closely to the mirror to get a closer view. She felt like she was missing something besides her beige heels that matched with the red dress she was wearing, but what?

After a few minutes at looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes widened. How could I have forgotten? My lipstick! Susan quickly left to the washroom to grab her pink and grey polka dot pattern makeup bag that was behind the washroom mirror.

She opened one of the sides of the mirror and grabbed her makeup bag that was sitting on the bottom shelf of the mirror pantry. Susan un-zipped the bag and started rummaging through it until she felt the small silver tube. She hurriedly took it out, twisted it, and applied the red lipstick delicately on her nude plush lips.


Susan silently walked down the spiral wooden stairs of their humble home to get a quick sneak peak of John. She wondered what he was doing downstairs. She could hear muffled noises and a swoosh as if a group of people were shushing someone. At that, Susan quickened her pace.

Then she heard a 'woo'. It sounded so clear that she figured that the muffled noises may be coming from the television and that John was watching football. Meaning two things. One, today was the first day of football airing this season. Two, he forgot all about their anniversary.

Susan sighed sadly. I guess we're not going anywhere after all.

No. She decided that she's not going to sulk. She's going walk up to him as if she had not heard his cheering and make him remember their special day. Even if it means she has to grab the calendar from the kitchen and shove it at his face so that he can see the date circled in red marker.

Susan nodded her head in content and determination.

She walked to the living room and saw that John was indeed watching football. He was sitting on their beige recliner that had his red tie dangling from the back. Susan smiled. Awe, he did remember. I guess I just took to long to get ready.

Susan walked closer to the point where she was leaning on the recliner where John sat, "Is everything ready, dear?"

John looked up. Susan looked down at his eyes with love. This man was gorgeous - no handsome - no none. There had to be a another word that could describe this man.

His ashy green eyes held a mystery. Like if you were to look deeper, you could get past the fog and see that his eyes held kindness. With his dark black hair, it just made his eyes stand out as if he were a hunter hiding behind the bushes with those bright green eyes glowing, and you were the prey unfazed about what was to happen. His jaw structure added triple to his eyes and black hair. It made him look dangerous.

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