Here We Go Again

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At School-
B: Hey girls!
T: Hey Bai.
Bo: What's up?
B: Nothing much. This summer was shit. I just stayed home and watched Pretty Little Liars and Shadowhunters while eating all of the junk food that I possibly could. How about you guys?
T: I went to Costa Rica this summer.
Bo: I met a guy online and we really hit it off. Our first date is this weekend.
B: We are so helping you get ready for that date. Do you knew where you guys are going?
Bo: They fair on Santa Monica Pier.
B/T: Aaaaaaawwwwwwww!!!
Bo: Shut up.
B: *laughs* Boogie got a man! *looks at the front door and stops laughing* Shit.
T: What? *looks at the door as well* Damn it! They're here.
Bo: And my day is ruined.
The BoySquad walks up to them.
B: Great. *leans back on her locker* What do you guys want? We hate you. Why do you keep on annoying us?
K: Someone's on their period.
B: *clenches fist* San Jose you have 10 seconds for you and your little squad to back the fuck away from us or else I will kick the living shit out of you.
K: Does it look like I'm scared of you?
Bo: 10
T: 9
B: 8
K: We are not scared. *smirks*
T: 4
Bo: 3
T: 2
B: 1 *goes up to Kenneth and kick him in the dick*
K: *grunts and falls to the ground* You bitch.
B: Now I suggest that you all leave if you don't wanna lose your dick.
They guys pick up Kenneth and leave.
T: Savage!
Bo: *laughs* Since when did you become badass?
B: Over the summer. PLL really helped me out. *laughs* Come on let's get to class.
In class-
Bo: Great assigned seats.
T: When will we choose where we sit?
B: Never. Ugh it's boy girl boy girl.
T: I got put next to Gabe.
Bo: I'm next to Sean.
B: And I'm next to the living devil himself.
Bo/T: Good luck.
B: I'm going to need all of it.
They girls walk to their seats.
K: Well what do we have here. Couldn't get enough of me?
B: You are so lucky that you are still alive.
K: Why is that?
B: You don't wanna know.
K: I like them feisty.
B: Gross.
Tea: Alright class. I am your teacher Ms.Nicole. These will be your seats for the rest of the year and your partners for whenever we do one on one projects or worksheets.
Class: ughhhhh.
K: *whispers to Bailey* I guess that we are meant to be.
B: *pushes him away* Like I would want you.
K: Everyone does.
B: Not me.
Skip to lunch.
T: How was sitting next the devil himself?
B: Awful. He kept on flirting with me. It was gross. Oh great they are walking over here.
K: Hello ladies. Do you mind if we sit here?
Bo: Since when did you turn into a gentleman?
K: What are you talking about? I've always been one.
B/T/Bo: *laugh*
B: Very funny.
G: He's telling the truth.
T: A gentleman wouldn't screw every girl in this school.
S: Whatever. Where is Jordyn at?
Bo: Ugh. How can you stand her?
S: You jealous or something? *scoots closer to Boogie*
Bo: *scoots away* Please. In your little dreams. I just don't understand how people can like a vindictive bitch-
K: Like you.
Bo: What did you say?
K: I said that you are a vindictive bitch.
B: Careful San Jose. You are standing on very thin ice right now.
T: Don't break it.
K: Just saying the truth.
Bo: Why the hell are you guys here again? Shouldn't you be sitting with Maddie, Kaycee and Jordyn?
S: What? You don't enjoy our presence.
Bo: I'd rather kill myself.
B: *laughs* *whispers to Tati* Lowkey flirting.
T: *whispers to Bailey* More like highkey. It's so obvious. *laughs*
Bo: What?
B/T: Nothing
Bo: Tell me bitches.
T: Just talking about who we think would look cute together.
G: *puts his arm around Tati's shoulder* Like you and I.
T: *shakes his arm off* In your dreams DeGuzman.
B: *laughs* Get him.
T: Shut up Ms.San Jose.
B: Ms.What?
T: You heard me.
B: You are so dead Tatiana Mcquay.
T: AAHHHHH! *runs away*
B: Come here bitch! *chases Tati*
S: Your friends are weird.
Bo: Says the guy that has friends who think that they are gentleman. *gets up and chased down Bailey and Tati*
G: Damn.
K: Well we tried.
S: Looks like we can't get every girl in the school.
K: We got plenty of fish in the sea.
G: There is a party this weekend. We going?
K: Why do you even ask?
G: Just making sure. Last time we went to a party, the both of you flaked to go to get some with Kaylah and Val.
K: Best night ever. When was that party?
S: Last month.
K: I haven't heard from Val since that night.
S: Same. I haven't heard from Kaylah either.
G: Maybe it wasn't your best night.
K: *punches Gabe in the arm* Shut up.
G: Ow!
Kaylah and Val walk up to them.
K: Oh hey Val! What's up?
S: Kaylah its nice to see you again.
V: *goes up to Kenneth and slaps him* YOU ASSHOLE!
K: What the hell did I do?
Kay: *kicks Sean in the dick* Looks like you won't be using that anymore.
S: *grunts and falls to the floor* My dick!
G: *laughs*
???: *clears throat*
G: *turns around* Hey babe.
Ka: Don't hey babe me. You ruined my life.
G: What are you talking about?
K: How?
S: We haven't heard from y'all since the party.

Book 3 is off to a great start.
I decided to release it today. There will be more to come.
Hope you guys enjoyed this part
Love ya😘

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