Chapter one - The Beginning

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"You haven't been on any of the rides yet, Amara!"
"Coming from you! You only went on the teacups while I held your bag! I just don't like the carnival rides."
"Yeah yeah, I'll make you a deal. If you go to the fortune teller round the corner, I'll stop taunting you about how you're too scared to go on the Ferris wheel."
" People who claim they can see into the future are a load of shit. But ok, we've got a deal."

Amara walked with Chloe along to the little shack where the fortune teller is. Chloe went to go flirt with the gift shop cashier meanwhile Amara went inside the hut.

It was a rickety wooden structure in which there was an old lady who wore way to much lipstick. The lady told her to sit down and she did so.

The room was dark and revolved around a table with black cloth - at least she thought it was black but couldn't tell due to it being dimly lit. On top of the possibly black cloth, there was a crystal ball showing colours of purple and blue. Amara could tell straight away it was battery powered.

The lady was a stereotypical fortune teller; a blue shawl over her head, baggy clothes and lots of jewellery. She also had a stray black hairs sticking out under her shawl.

"Esmerelda, your name is?"
"Emm...Uhh... Amara"
"That's a beautiful name did you know it means—"
"Love forever in Greek" Amara mocked. "Can you get this over and done with as quickly as possible? I don't believe in any of this and I'm only here thanks to my friend."
"First I'll look at your aura. Sweetheart, I don't know how to tell you this." Esmerelda paused to take a breath. "Your aura is black."

Amara is a bright girl and by putting two and two together she realised that means death. She told what she knew to the fortune teller. Esmerelda tried to cover up by saying it could be a warning or an argument was near but she knew deep inside that it wasn't the case.

"Your aura is isn't always accurate. Put that out of your mind and choose what else you want to know...apart from your aura."
"Alright then... How about spirits? Can you see them?"
"I can sense them. Let me see if I can find any here..."
Amara and Esmerelda sat in silence for a good 5 minutes before anything was said.
"A spirit just appeared" whispered Esmerelda.
"Really? Who are they?"
Esmerelda looked around the whole room suspiciously before saying anything.
"He said his name is Andrew."
"Ask him how old he is."
"When did he die? How did he die?"
"He says he died around 1920. He was hit by one of those vintage cars." Esmerelda stopped talking for a little while as if listening to the ghost. "This is his words not mine, sweetie: I was related to a friend of yours and I was watching over them and their family for nearly 800 years - it was really boring. Then I saw you. A gorgeous, clever girl like you deserved more attention than you got." Esmerelda paused to pick up more of what Andrew was saying. "So I started following you, keeping you safe, protecting you. And slowly, I fell in love with you."
"That's what he said, whether it's true or not I don't know."
"This can't be right...What a load of shit...trying to scare me with some fake background story. Well it didn't fucking work. I'm leaving and forgetting everything you said."

Amara stood up and walked over to the door when Esmerelda stated that she hadn't paid. Amara reached into her pocket and chucked a few random coins at the table. She walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Chloe ran up to her and told Amara all about the guy who completed rejected her because 'he was married'. As they were leaving the carnival Chloe asked:
"Oh, what did the lady say? When I was there she told me that I would find a great deal of money and when I walked out, I found a £5 note!"
"She told me that I would have a successful career."
They both left the carnival.

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