{part one}

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I hate doing beginnings like these, because I know no one reads them, but here's the deal: the plotline doesn't just belong to me. It belongs to my girlfriend too. And I have permission to use her characters, as they are vital to the story. So, credit of plot and her characters go to her, as well as myself.

I just wanted to establish that, so you know Cupid and Spade are not my characters. They are my girlfriend's and she deserves the credit for how wonderful they are.

(If anyone should like to know more about her characters, message me. I can give you her roleplay tumblr and you can go marvel over her brilliance.)


“Jamie, wait up!” With a broad smile, hair flopping as he jogs to catch up, Jack looked genuinely happy. And he felt that way too, slipping his hand into Jamie’s hand when he catches up. It had taken the white-haired boy a year to finally work up the courage to ask Jamie out, but once he did, things went smoothly. It was summer for them, and despite the odd dreams Jack has been having and the various voices he’ll hear, though they aren’t voices he recognizes, he’s happier than he can ever remember being.

Jamie laces their fingers together and chuckles, looking up at Jack. The white-haired boy was still fairly taller than the teen, but Jamie had grown quite a bit as well and wasn’t too much shorter than him. He found he didn’t mind either way. It just gave Jamie a reason to cuddle him more often. Plus, being short had its advantages.

“Maybe if you weren’t so slow, you wouldn’t have to jog to catch up all the time.” The brunet teases lightly, leaning up just a moment to kiss his cheek before resuming walking.

Jack rolls his eyes. “I got lost in my thoughts for a moment.” He replies quietly. He hadn’t mentioned the dreams or the voices to Jamie, not even sure where to begin. They were strange and always made the white-haired boy feel like he was missing pieces of himself. Shaking his head to rid the thoughts, for he was beginning to sink right back into them, he smiles brightly at Jamie again. “But, it’s nothing. Now, we’re going to pick up Sophie, right?”

“Right. She should be done with ballet practice.”

Nodding, Jack swings their hands as they walk. People they pass offer small smiles or hellos. It wasn’t hard to believe that they did. Mrs. Overland was pretty popular around town because of her cooking abilities and Mrs. Bennett was really good with a sewing machine, so both would often cook or create clothing for friends or people just because. It made Jack and Jamie respected, so when they came out about their relationship, people simply let them be together.

It was nice. Jack could remember back in the early years of High School how badly he was picked on, and Jamie being a year younger than Jack, had been picked on as well. Of course, Jack had made sure to stick up for him and protect him. That’s mostly how they became friends. It wasn’t until Jack’s Junior year and Jamie’s Sophomore year that Jack had finally begun to see Jamie in a different light. It had been hard to hide it, and he did for a good year or two, up until the last year when he finally confessed it to Jamie and it turned out the brunet felt the same.

“Hey Jack.” Jamie suddenly says, making the white-haired boy focus his attention on his boyfriend.


“Can we do something special this weekend?”

Jack chuckles softly. He had expected something else. Jamie was always posing strange questions to Jack; questions that always centered around if this was real or a dream, or if there’s another world out there; something along those lines and Jack never knew how to answer him.

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