The alphas mate

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Lidia's POV

"Are you ready for your first day of school darling" I heard my mum say from down the hall, "actually mother im not excited to start my senior year as the new girl, i don't understand why dad had to take this crappy job that moves him from our home to this place where I know no one" I was rambling by this time really not wanting to start at Camilla high for my senior year, I was fretting what to wear at this point. "Darling it's going to be fine you're a nice person everyone will love you" mum yelled from the kitchen at this point I had chosen what to wear which consisted of some dark blue skinny jeans and a thin long sleeve fitted shirt that really made me look good. If I had to describe myself it would definitely be quiet, shy and an avid book reader I don't make friends easily even when I lived in Adelaide. " Lid its time to go to school, get your bag and lets go" mum yelled, dad was a cop and his job moved him to Queensland as you can tell I am really not happy about it. "ok mum" I huffed grabbing my bag and getting into mums car to head to my new school.

Tyler's POV

I look HOT I thought as I stared into my body mirror, I had just come out of the shower looking fine as anything ready for my senior I had just pressed the button I have in my room to signal my pack to get up and get ready for school, I moved out of my parents' house last year when I became the alpha of my pack, as you might tell im a werewolf im alpha and im the hottest guy in the town. I dressed in some designer jeans and shirt that out lined my aps perfectly if I do say so myself, the girls will be like bitches in heat around me and I can't wait, you can define me as a player I love girls and they definitely love me, I haven't found my mate yet as you can tell because when I find my mate I will love and cherish her with everything I have, no more whoring around for me when I meet her it will be her and only her, I just hope she will understand and accept that Im a werewolf and not run. "Ty come on ITS SENIOR YEAR WOOOOHH" my best friend and my beta Seb yelled through the speaker . I couldn't help smile at the comment "Yeah ill be there in a minute" I ran down stairs were all the pack were sitting eating breakfast and joking around, I have 15 pack members that live in the pack house with me, we have like 30 rooms in this mansion so its great. "alright lets go its SENIOR YEAR" I yelled, we all got our bags and headed to the many cars lined up in the drive way, I have a black range rover that's my baby I got it for my senior year gift from my parents, yeah were all rich so what. I got into my car beeped so everyone new I left and header to Camilla high, I turned on the radio and sung to some random song that I really never new I actuaslly new the words, I pulled into my parking spot and got out of the car, knowing this will be the best year yet.

Lidia's POV

"Darling look at the school it looks so nice and the people look so friendly "mum said with the enthusiasm im not feeling "bye mum ill catch a bus home" I gave her a kiss on the cheek then got out of the car, there was so many people around, so much more then Adelaide everyone was looking at me so I just walked into the office to get my timetable and bumped into a gorgeous guy with blonde hair, he grabbed my arm so I wouldn't fall I quickly stumbled a step away so I wasn't touching him anymore, I really don't like being touched I looked down at my shoes and mumbled "sorry" he looked at me then surprised me by saying "hi im Sebastian but my friends call me seb, your new right?" I stared at him in shock then quietly said "umm yeah lidia I just moved here from Adelaide" just before he spoke again the warning bell went off which ment I have to go to class "um nice to meet you Sebastian but I have to go to class" I looked down at my timetable and saw that I had form then off to English "yeah have a nice day lidia and I might see you again" I did a quick wave then walked off to my form which was easy to find because I had a quick tour the week before. I walked into form and saw that everyone was already seated and the teacher was about to talk, I walked to the teacher, he actually looked nice "well hello miss I am mr Andrews and you must be lidia" i was so happy to have a nice teacher it gave me abit of confidence so I could say "yes sir I am lidia, sorry im late" "no that's fine theres a seat next to amber in the 3rd row, raise your hand amber, ahhh there you go" I walked to the girl amber with her hand up she was a brunette girl with normal clothes not the slutty clothes those kind of girls wear but clothes like me, she smiled at me so I smiled back then sat down.

Every class was exactly the same I introduced my self and was sat next to a person that was nice, I was quite surprised at how nice the school seemed, the day went so quick until lunch which I realised I had no one to sit with I walked into the lunch room and looked around for a table , but of course there wasn't one I was about to walk out when I herd a male voice shout "Lidia"

Tyler's POV

I got out of my baby then walked into school, of course all the girls were throwing themselves at me in there slutty clothing I got at least 15 numbers before class then in class I got even more attention everyone thought I was king which of course I was, the guys wanted to be me and the girls wanted to get with me, I walked into the class before lunch which was calculus and saw that seb was already there surrounded by girls. I walked up to him and did the little man shake then sat down next to him "dude I met this girl today before school and she bumped into me, but it was weird I didn't feel attraction to her I felt like a brotherly way to her I wonder what that means " he said staring at me "I dunno man but is she hot cause I could totally get her to meet me in the supply cupboard if she did" I said laughing and wiggling my eyebrows "dude what did I say, I have a brotherly feeling about her which means you can't say stuff like that to me about her now, it's definitely weird" we sat there talking till the lunch bell went, I loved the first day of school you never do work its all catch up time, we went into the lunch room and found the rest of the pack seated at the biggest table in the cafeteria. We were just talking when seb yelled out "Lidia" I turned around to look at her and found the most beautiful girl I have ever seen she wore clothes that fitted her perfectly but didn't make her look anything but lady like, she wore her chocolate brown hair in long waves cascading down her back and had such bright blue eyes all in all she looked amazing, I new right then that she was my mate, my wolf kept screaming 'MATE, MATE, MATE' she walked over looking quite scared I just wanted to hold her, seb made room in between him and another pack mate sherry but I pushed him so the space was now between me and him, he looked at me weirdly so I used our werewolf mind communication to say 'shes my mate' his eyes widened 'that was why I had a brotherly feeling towards her' he said smiling, by this time she was here and cautiously sat beside us, I looked at her and thought I was in heaven. She smiled shyly and said a quiet hello "hi im Tyler and you are Lidia right?" I said sticking my hand out to her "umm yes I am lidia nice to meet you tyler" she all but mumbled everyone at the table was smiling at me because they all now new she was my mate, she didn't have any food I noticed so I needed to offer her some of mine, I mean I couldn't have a starving mate. "would you like some of my lunch its so much for me and I know I wont eat it all I said pushing a roast beef roll towards her a bottle of coke and some chips "oh I couldn't " she said, it was so cute " I insist I said picking up a chip and pushed it slightly on her lip, I don't know why but it was weirdly erotic, she opened her mouth bit it and I smiled, "yumm" was all she said but I sensed she was thankful, lunch went over so quick and by the time I had packed up my bag she was gone, seb was the only one her smiling at me" were did lidia go I said looking around trying to catch a glimpse of her "she went to class, I cant believe you have fun your mate im so jealous, thank god she isn't some slut bimbo" seb rushed out "I know shes perfect" I was astounded that at 18 I had found my mate, in only a little time I will come into my full alpha powers and I have my mate its definitely a dream come true. We walked to English, seb chatting up girls that walk by and me thinking countinuously about Lidia, I sighed even the name was perfect.

Lidia's POV

I walked over to were a huge group of people were sitting seb moved so I could sit next to him, I smiled then looked to my right were what looked like a god was sitting, I couldn't believe it he had the best build I had ever seen and his eyes were like an emerald green, his hair was the darkest black you had ever seen, he said hello and all I could do was shyly mumble words, and he put food to my mouth, I hate to say it but being fed by him was such a turn on, I found out his name was tyler such a hot name, I tuned out the rest of the lunch then ran to class when the bell rang, the rest of the day was a blur and by the time school finished I felt I could walk home because I was just happy, I was about half way home when the rain started, I cursed myself for not taking the bus and started walking faster when a car pulled up next to me but I herd a "hey lidia need a ride" I turned around and there was...


This is my first ever story and I really hope you like it, ;leave your comments so I know what you think, should I keep going or trash it, would really like comments just so I now what I need to do thanks JJ

Jordan x

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