Chapter 22

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Austin's POV

I will get her back. One way or another. She's mine. Niall will be broken when I'm done with my plan. I will break him. First I have to decide who to go after first. Hmm Zayn seems pretty easy, but I think I need a better way to hurt him. Liam? Ah yes perfect person to go after.

Liam's POV

I walked into see Niall stroking Hartley's head, as she laid there peacefully. Niall let out a long sigh. "Am I doing the right thing Liam?" He asked not looking at me but rather at the window. "Mate, I can't answer that. The boys and I will be fine. You need to stay here with her she's going to need you. That guy hurt her once, you have to protect her." I said to him being honest but feeling guilty. Niall is carefree but when someone's hurt. he can't help but help them. Niall sniffled a little alerting me that he was crying. At that exact moment Hartley shivered, instantly Niall scooped her up, carrying her to bed. I gathered my keys and phone walking out the door to see Kristina leaning against my car looking as beautiful as ever her hair lightly blowing in the wind. Her smile slowly became noticeable as I grabbed her waist swinging her around. She giggled making me laugh. I set her down standing there, leaning down gently pressing my lips to hers. I pulled back away from her. Climbing into the car I waited for her to get in too.

We drove to a bakery. Looking for a parking place I grabbed a hat and my shades putting them on. Kristina knew the drill. In order to keep from being hurt emotionally and psychically we had to keep from being recognized by fans or other people. I started walking to the bakery holding Kristina's hand. I was almost to the bakery when I saw a car speeding towards me and Kristina, pushing Kristina out of the way I tried to get away but the car was coming to fast for me to get away in time. The car hit my leg causing me to roll over it. Terror filling my blood as I felt the asphalt under my body. I saw specks of black as a closed my eyes. A scream filling the air as my head dropped as I passed out.

Niall's POV

"Hello, Mr. Horan, this is the Saint Elmo's hospital we are calling on behalf of Liam Payne," my eyes grew wide with fear, "Mr. Payne has been involved in car accident." I dropped the phone grabbing my keys and wallet, I walked out to my car crying slightly from fear of how bad Liam's state is. I started the ignition pulling out and starting towards the hospital. A lump becoming more unbearable as I came into view of the dreadful hospital. I walked in paparazzis swarming me. "Niall, is Liam okay?", "Niall is it true that you are dating a model behind Hartley's back?", "Is it true Hartley is having your child?" The last one caught me off guard. "NO ITS NOT TRUE! WE ARE JUST DATING! WE ARE KIDS BASICALLY!" I stormed inside. Going straight to the front desk asking for Liam. I short women lead me to his room. "Niall." Kristina cried out hugging me tightly. "It's all my fault! I shouldn't have let him push me out of the way! I should have seen it coming, but I was to stu-". "Kristina you couldn't have prevented it. It's my fault." I said looking down.

I spent the next 10 minutes explaining to her about Austin. "Niall", she grabbed my hand, "it's not your fault. You love Hartley and that psycho is trying to hurt her. You are doing the right thing." she said letting go. I heard a groan coming from Liam "Never get hit by a car and break your leg.". He sat up laughing slightly. Kristina ran to him hugging him around the neck. I walked out to see a missed call from a blocked number, another fan I guess. I walked to my car seeing a sticky note attached to the wind shield "Zayn won't be vain for much longer." the note read. Ice coursing my bones my stomach twisting at the thought of Zayn being hurt. Wait he's with Rachel I'll call her and warn her! "Rachel? It's Niall. I need you to keep Zayn in the apartment okay?" I said quickly. "O-okay" she responded hanging up on me. I sighed knowing this fight is going to be along one.

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