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Lesbian Motives Part 2


All i could hear was sirens, laying flat on my back... am i dead? Am i fuckin dead? My eyes flutterd as i beganed to hear voices , "we're loosing her..." closing my eyes thinking Damn how in the hell did i let shit get this far. Tied between a older physco woman and her obsession with me, ties with Lexi and how i betrayed my future husband who is expecting his first child. I ruined everything.

My career, My Lovelife, and now even my own heartbeat. Shit, im a real risktaker. I opened my eyes after the third zoltage to my chest. Fuck... that was close i thought. God it should've been my time, im wrong in so many ways.

The voices and the fast paced movement beganed as we arrived at the hospital, "one stab wound to the adomen and the two stab wounds in the thighs , five cuts in her left arm" a voice yelled out to the doctor. What the fuck, i can't remember much, i don't remember getting stabbed, i just remember her wanting to hurt me. Mrs.Williams said she would never hurt me. "Hurry , she losing too much blood people" Closing my eyes i didn't care im hopeless, this bitch really wanted me dead and if i don't die she will return. I hurt her too bad , but damn did she really have to attempt? Shane and dice crossed my mind as tears began to fall. Fuck i thought, i want to atleast say goodbye to my best friends. The doctors began to save my life as i became unconcious.

Lesbian Motives Part 2


Fuck , i don't have time for fuckin tears, no remorse for anyone , i don't care of your innocent or a child, or a mother both of mine are gone. I reacted quickly , heading to the basement of my salon where my safe was built in months ago. I removed my .9mm, .55 cabiler , and my AK47. Wishing i would've kept all my illegal guns my mother made me get rid off. I Can't let her death distract me as much as i wanted to fall apart. This dirty muthafucka has been tearing my life apart from day one, why have i been so stupid and afraid to shoot him then, after all the ass whoopings i should've been put something in this nigga's ass. It had to be my mother to pay for all the silly bullshit that was going on between us. I should've told her the truth, she could've helped me if only i would've got rid of Alex that night i almost blew his head off. Gathering my things i rushed over to Alex's apartment , the door was wide open as i creeped inside slowly. Another note was left . This muthafucka wanna play ransom with our child. SHANE , I KNEW YOU WOULD ARRIVE HERE SHORTLY, YOU WANT OUR SON? YOU TELL THE COURTS I CAN SEE HIM, WITHOUT SUPERVISION.

crumbling the paper up, fuck the system, my mother body has been laying there for hours and the system don't even fucking know, taylor was in danger he isn't with his father he is with a sick mental person.

I rushed outside sitting in my truck thinking where could they be, then like a lightbulb, i beganed to drive down to compton, Me and Alex's first home together, where we concived Taylor, it's abandoned now, but im sure that crazy muthafucka is there waiting for my arrival.



Alisha is standing over me and Lauren with tears rolling down her cheeks "how could you.... how could you hurt me like this?" I did do some dirty shit to these females out here, but look at what these hoes allow you to do. I knew Alisha was off than a muthafucka but shit i didn't know the bitch needed to be hospitalized. "I been watching you... and her... you love her? Huh?" Alisha raised her voice as Lauren awoke she. into fear scooting behind me Alisha beganed to laugh.

"Dice what the fuck is going on!?" Lauren asked "Oh baby... your confused huh? , you don't know your girlfriend well enough?"'Alisha teased lauren. "Look Alisha, im sorry, im sorry i didn't mean to hurt you" i yelled out. Here i am once again beggin another muthafucka for my life, real shit though if it wasn't for Lauren i would let Alisha end this all. "Just like i saved your life i can take it" Alisha continued to talk as he pointed the gun at Lauren. Lauren screamed putting her hands up. I blocked Lauren as a target "Calm Down please whatever it is we can work- "No Fuck you, you wining and dining this bitch, i been in love with you for three years and here come this bitch a couple of weeks and she spending nights , you havent called to fuck me!!!" Alisha became hysterical. "Why Dice?, why don't you call to fuck me anymore, is this pussy tired? Or are you tired cause you got this bitch over here" Alisha cocked back the gun and aimed it at Herself. I stood up quickly "Don't you fuckin come near me bitch you hurt me... you stole from me.. you stole my soul" Alisha continued to cry as she walked towards me pressing the gun agaisnt my temple she kissed my lips softly placing the gun inside her mouth and pulling the trigger quickly before i could stop her. Lauren screamed as Alisha guts splatterd all over me. Damn, i tore this woman down, guilt grew all over me as i lauren rushed over to me holding me close. "Everything is okay baby" i said to her softly, but everything wasn't okay my mind would be completley fucked after this night from here on out.

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