welcome to my dumb ass goth fantasies

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My scuffed up boots hit the pavement at a steady pace as I followed closely behind the leather clad girl in front of me. Claire was the closest thing to a best friend I'd ever had. We had met in school and instantly hit it off. She was the reason I had started going out at night more. She showed me a whole different side to the city, one that was far more thrilling than my previous short trek from my house to school at back again. Claire has suffered from a litany of physical ailments as a child, and needed multiple surgeries in order to survive. however, these surgeries left her with an addiction to Z and a heavy debt hanging over her head. So tonight, like so many other nights, she dragged me into the back alley where she got her fix of the drug that ate the rest of her cash that didn't go towards her payments. The street was lined with junkies, some surrounding a small fire, others just lying on the ground. the faint sound of music echoed from a radio on the fire escape above us. We were greated gruffly by a few other regulars as we shuffled over to the man perched atop a rather large garbage bin.
"good evening ladies" he greeted with his signature smirk spread across his face as he hopped off the garbage bin. "how may I be of assistance?"
Claire rolled here eyes and placed the money in his hands. "you know exactly why I'm here." He smirked and proceeded to pull out the gun, pressing it against Claire's skin and pulling the trigger. A satisfied smile spread across her face as she slid to the ground, the drug already coursing through her veins. I hopped up onto the garbage bin, knowing it would likely be a while before Claire would be able to leave the area. He sat next to me, leaning rather close into my personal space, "well kid, when are you finally gonna become one of my clients?"
I chuckled in response, "I'll shoot up when you do, mr. graverobber,"
"touché" he replied, elbowing me. we spend a lot of evenings exchanging witty banter like this, and though I'd rather die than admit it, I had fallen in love with my best friend's drug dealer.

Graverobber x Oc (bc I'm a hoe™)Where stories live. Discover now