Dependent On You

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“DongGeun-hyung!~” A voice called to the older member once he entered the dorm. DongGeun, known mostly by his stage name Peniel, had come down with a cold bad enough to keep from doing promotions with the other members that day.The group’s maknae, SungJae, decided to take on the task of checking up on him while the others went to bring back food for them. When Peniel didn’t answer SungJae’s calls, he walked into the room where the sickly member resided in.

Upon entering the room, SungJae noticed his hyung sprawled out across the bed with his blankets kicked onto the floor. The elder’s face was flushed a bright pink and showed his obvious discomfort. Feeling concerned at his current state, SungJae crossed the room and placed his cool hand on the older male’s forehead. Almost instantly the other’s face calmed as his cool touch relaxed the raging fever slightly.

Panicking slightly at how high his hyung’s fever was, SungJae attempted to pull away to find an ice pack or something that would lower his temperature. But just as he took his hand away, Peniel whined and grabbed his hand once more to press it against his cheek. He gave a small sigh of relief and tightened his grip on the younger boy’s arm.

“Hyung..” SungJae called quietly as he tried to pull his arm out of his vice like grip without waking him.

“DongGeun-hyung!” He called a bit louder and tugged at his arm, but to no avail. SungJae reached over to pry his Hyung’s fingers off of his hand. Once he succeeded, however, he felt slightly guilty as he watched his Hyung’s face contort in extreme discomfort.

“Sorry hyung, I’ll find something to help you..” He whispered as he exited the room.

He returned a few minutes later with a washcloth over his shoulder and a bowl full of cold water. Making sure not to spill any, SungJae carefully placed the bowl on the side table next to the bed.

“We didn’t have any ice packs,” He started as he pulled a chair next to his sleeping friend.

“So I guess we have to do this the ‘Old fashioned way’, right hyung?” He asked rhetorically, as he knew that he wouldn’t get an answer. He took the cloth off of his shoulder and placed it into the water, soaking it before he wrung out the excess water. After folding it, he placed it on Peniel’s forehead and pulled the discarded blanket back on the bed to cover him.

Throughout the night he sat by the elder’s bedside, periodically changing the water once it had gotten too warm. Even after the other member’s returned, he continued to watch over his hyung until the fever broke.

The next morning, Peniel woke up feeling better that he had the day before. Feeling a slight weight on his head, he reached up and pulled the damp, now room temperature, wash cloth off of his forehead in slight confusion.

“I don’t remember that being there when I dozed off yesterday.” He mumbled to himself. Hints of his cold were still evident in his voice, even with sleep still lacing his tone. Turning his head to the side he noticed the presence of the younger, taller male. SungJae, having stayed up for most of the night, had fallen asleep by the bed. His arms were folded as he used them as a makeshift pillow for his head on the edge of Peniel’s bed.

He chuckled quietly, feeling touched that the maknae had taken care of him. He reached out to pet the younger male’s head softly, but the seeming soft touch was enough to jerk SungJae out of his sleep. He lifted his head slowly and rubbed his eyes before his head snapped over towards the ill male.

“Hyung! What are you doing up? How are you feeling? Has your fever gone down?” SungJae asked, assaulting Peniel with multiple questions about his well-being. He pressed his hand against his hyung’s forehead and released a calm sigh.

“Well, Your fever has gone down, But how are you feeling?” He asked once more, wanting to get the answer’s to one of his earlier queries.

“I’m fi-..” Peniel answered before his body was overcome by coughs. SungJae looked at over in concern until The elder waved him off.

“I’m feeling a lot better than I was yesterday..” He smiled before ruffling the younger boy’s hair before lying back into the comfort of his bed.

“Go and enjoy the rest of your day. I’ll be fine here.” He said as he turned over on his side. SungJae shook his head and stood up from the chair he had slept in. He stretched his tense body before smiling and going towards the door.

“All go and make you some porridge, arraso hyung?” He said as he left a dumbfounded Peniel alone.

“Yah! Yook SungJ-” He started before his coughs cut him off once again.

“See Hyung. You need me. And i’ll be here until this cold of yours is gone.” SungJae said as he grinned back at other, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. Peniel sighed and laid back against his pillow once more.

“At least i’ll be well taken care of.” He chuckled as he heard the clanking of pots in the kitchen.

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