Chapter 3

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Bumblebee's pov

I wake up with a really bad helm ache. It feels like I'm being... Dragged across the ground. I look up and immediately decide to look back down. I am being dragged. Where to? I'm not exactly sure. I'm no longer with Megatron though. It's Starscream. Fragging glitch. I decide that I'll be better off if I pretend I haven't woken up yet. I hear Starscream grumbling something about wanting more respect from his comrades as he will soon be the new "leader" of the decepticons. Though I doubt he could ever overthrow Megatron for good. Suddenly I'm tossed against a wall. I look up and growl. Starscream didn't notice though because he's too busy complaining and closing the cell door. I take a chance and jump up to my pedes and run out of the cell just as he starts locking it. Luckily I made it out though and I just ran. I didn't even bother looking back knowing he wouldn't be following yet because he'd be too shocked to comprehend what just happened. I turn a corner to find a whole troop of cons walking my way. They spot me and begin to attack. But I can't risk holding myself back knowing they'll probably call Megatron. So instead of fighting I just run. A few times I'll turn around and shoot a couple but nothing more. I gained enough distance between them and me so I quickly hide in a room. Luckily no one is in here. I hear them all run past and when I'm certain that they're gone, I slowly walk out of the room. Now, to find a exit around here. It's like a slagging maze in here! I walk down one of the hallways and at the end there's a gap. I look down it and realize that I'm at the top of Megatron's Tyger Pax location. This base is similar to dark mount in kaon but it's not as big. I decide that my best option is to attempt climbing down the outside wall of the base. Unfortunately, I forgot that this base probably has security cameras so about halfway down, the entire ground around the base is surrounded by vehicons. Well frag. I continue to climb down however and find a ledge. I make my calculations and decide that if I want a chance to survive, I'm gonna have to jump. So I get a running start and jump off the ledge. I fly right over the heads of all the vehicons and of course they attempt to shoot me but I'm moving a bit too fast for them. I land on the ground and start running. I figured if I can at least get far enough into Tyger Pax I might be able to hide a,one the ruins and then comm my base for a ground bridge. As I run I realize that I might actually make it. And then something catches my optics. A trap. Scrap. I try to stop so I might be able dodge it but I've got too much momentum. So just as I'm about to stop I fall right into the net. It snaps up around me and electrocutes me with an energon blast. I try to find a way out but my struggling just increases the amount of energon to shock me. Which of course increases the pain. Suddenly I hear some very heavy pede steps and realize that they're too heavy to be a vehicon. Frag, big, grey and scary has returned. And boy does he ever look pissed. He lifts up the net and glares at me. Well, I'm probably officially dead. But, of course, I'm not the smartest bot around and instead of acting scared I glare daggers right back.
"Let me go." I growl. He just laughs.
"You really think I would do that? You know, I actually thought you might make it out. But then I remembered my little traps. I'll have to remember to thank Starscream for the idea." He mocks. Well then. Looks like I won't be leaving as early as I thought. My bridge has been delayed. Next thing I know, I'm being tossed back into the cell I begun with. Great. I am SO thrilled right now. Luckily when he tossed me in, the net untangled itself so I was at least free from that. After that, I just sit and count the minutes until I die.

End of memory
3rd person pov

The two arrived at their racing point as Bumblebee finished telling that part of the story. Raf was shaking slightly.
"I didn't realize Megatron was so mean!" He says to Bee. He chuckles slightly.
"Well, when you're a corrupted son of a glitch that's what happens. You become the bad guy." Bumblebee states to his little friend. Raf just laughs as he gets out his race car so they can go racing. They sit there and laugh for a while. Soon, the two decide it's time to head back to the base as they drive off into the sunset.

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