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  If you think this is going to be one of those love at first sights books this book is not one of them. Here's how it started:

  "It's going to be okay darling, I promise this guy is not like any of the other guys." Mum always says that and their all the same they act all nice until after the first year of living with them. Maybe she's wrong this time. "Mum you always say that." "Maybe I do but this time it's for real. When you were living with your dad I moved in with him and he's been really sweet, plus your going to a new school now no one knows you, you could start over?" "Wow mum, love you too" I stated blankly rolling my eyes.  "We are here!! You'll love it I promise." The car come to a stop my mums boyfriend is already out there waiting for us, mum runs up and goes to give him a hug and a peck on the cheeks. I think his name is uh Aaron? Yeah that's it Aaron White. I grab my bags out from the back of the car two bags at a time, one in each hand.  "Madi I got the bags you go look around the house" Aaron said "uh thank you?" Not really knowing how to answer to that. Wow this house is huge for three people. "Wow" Aaron walked behind me without me knowing "Yeah it's beautiful isn't?" I jumped up finding it hard to breathe. "Haha didn't mean to scare you Madi" Aaron said I have him a fake smile and just acted as if I didn't get scared. "Um may you please show me where my room is at please Aaron?" I asked. He nodded his head, so I followed. My room was white with some paintings and qoutes hung up on the wall my bed was a king I had a huge window with some chevron curtains. I looked at the room in awe. "It's probably time for you to settle in and get ready you have school tomorrow" Aaron said and with that I nodded my head  and said thank you he put my things down and left my room I followed him and closed my door with that I laid down and fell asleep.

  The next morning I woke up to my mum shaking me half to death saying "wake up sweetie were going to be late" I rolled over and started to get up to wash my face and get dressed. I don't exactly like the fact that I moved but stuff like this happens all the time I just really hate getting bullied and no matter where I go I always get bullied and worst of all there's no one to protect me.

  We arrived at school at 8:00 I already had my schedule I just had to find out where my classes where. I started to walk through the halls when I bumped into someone I looked up and that someone happened to be really cute I blushed a little grabbed my papers quickly and said " I'm so sorry I really am I didn't see-" he interrupted me and said " it's okay I'm Jared who are you beautiful?" "M-madi" I stuttered. "What's your first period? Let me see your schedule maybe we have some classes together." He said "uh- okay.. Here." I gave him the papers he gave me a small smile we started to walk. "We have all but one class together that's art." He said while smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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