1. A New Home

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Packing stuff, carry all the heavy boxes to the car, carry all those boxes into the house and unpack them. That was the riddle of moving, a riddle that Emma Swan knew all to well. She had hopped from foster system to foster system like she was a ball during soccer game.

Exactly one year ago she has settled down with a woman named Ingrid Swan. Emma had felt so save and lived with her from the minute the met, she even took her last name without any struggle when she adopted her.

If you didn't know any better you'd say that Ingrid was her biological mother. They kinda looked like each other, they did girls nights together where they would watch a sad movie with lots of popcorn and in the end they were both crying, they would go out shopping together and buy ten bags full of clothes, but the most important thing was that Ingrid saw Emma as her real daughter and Emma saw Ingrid as her mother and that was something they both never had.

The yellow bug, that Emma had received for her seventeenth birthday, was all packed and ready to go. Ingrid's car was already in Storybrooke. Storybrooke was still a very weird name for a town, at least that's what Emma thought.

They hopped into the yellow Volkswagen bug. Emma in the drivers seat (it was after all her car) and Ingrid in the passenger seat. She started the engine and drove away, away from her first real home.

A couple hours later they saw a sigh which said: Welcome to Storybrooke. And a red line on the road what was, at least that's what they assumed, the town line. Emma took a deep breath before she crossed the town line and before they knew it, they were inside the small town. Somehow everything felt more real to Emma now, like this was really happening.

As they drove through the town they came across some things like Granny's Diner and Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop. The town left a weird impression behind, but somehow Emma liked it.

They eventually reached their new home, although it would take some time to actually call it her home because it was only her second one and she still had problems to attach to things. Emma pulled up and shut off the engine, looking up to the big blue eyes with a white fence in front of it. The house seemed rather large for only one man, but Ingrid had told her that Albert was married and had two kids, but got a divorce.

"What do you think?" Ingrid asked, snapping Emma out of her thoughts about the house.

"It's big." She giggled. "But it's beautiful, I like it." She smiled.

"Good," Ingrid smiled back at her. "Because it will be our home for hopefully some time."

They hopped out of the car and Emma locked the car, they would get their stuff later. The walked up to the gate and opened it. They walked along the path and porch until they reached the front door.

Ingrid knocked and ten seconds later the door swung open to reveal Albert. He had black hair and a black beard with some grey hairs between it. His hair was short on the back and his black locks fell over his the short part and his face. Emma liked to call it a palm tree hairdo, but she wasn't going to tell him or her mother that.

"Come in," Albert said with a huge grin spread across his face. Emma walked inside while Ingrid quickly pecked his lips.

"What do you think?" Albert asked, coming up behind Emma and making her jump.

"I like that it's big." She chuckled, a bit uncomfortable because he was standing in her personal space.

"Good," He nicely smiled at her. "My two sons come her on weekdays. They're both seventeen."

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